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Saturday 28 September 2013

Naruto 649 Predictions




Naruto: "Hey, gramps First... You sit down and relax..."
Sasuke: "...until we're taking care of these guys!"

BSM Naruto and Sasuke in his legged Curse Mark Complete Susanoo are shown hitting Obito who's trying to protect himself with his black orb shield.



Obito: (Thinking) "What the hell... is this power?! How did they suddenly get that strong?!"
Hashirama: "Thank you, Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke! You really are the main stars!"
Tsunade: "Grandfather, granduncle, Sarutobi-sensei, Minato, you're all here!"
Gaara: "Sasuke... In the end, you were able to see the light."


Naruto: "Sasuke!"
Sasuke: "I know!"

Two chakra arms come out, one from Naruto and one from Sasuke, as Naruto charges Cho Oodama Rasengan. Sasuke's EMS is shown, as he uses Enton: Kagutsuchi and engulfs the black flames to Naruto's Rasengan.


Obito: "That thing again... It's getting pretty old, don't you think?!"
Naruto: "Just you wait... to taste it's power..."
Sasuke: "The last time we forgot to add Senjutsu power in it... and now..."
Naruto/Sasuke: "Senpo: Enton: Cho Oodama Kagutsuchi Rasengan!"


Obito: "What's going on?! How come they're so strong, damn it!!"

Obito's black orb shield is destroyed, as the Rasengan hits Obito and sends him fly backwards, as large explosion is shown.


Naruto: "How do you like that, you bastard?!"
Minato: (Thinking) "Naruto, you truly surpassed me... You and Sasuke-kun are on a completely different level... I'm proud of you!" (Smirks, with a serious look on his face)
Hiruzen: "Good job you two!" (Smirks)
Tobirama: "You did well, but we still have a work to do!" (Smirks)


Obito is shown crashed near the God Tree, as blood comes out of his mouth.

Obito: "Urgh... I had enough of you, why this stupid tree doesn't bloom yet... Damn it!"
Madara: "Hashirama, I'm afraid that your speech won't change the fact that you're doomed... Perhaps I should go and take the leadership again... since these brats did enough job to weaken Obito."


Hashirama: "Madara... You're wrong for one thing. Even if I won't be able to stop you... Until these so called "brats" are here... you won't be able to complete your plan... and achieve your dream!"

Large panel of Naruto and Sasuke with serious faces in BSM and CMS respectively, standing side-by-side is shown.


Madara: "Please, Hashirama... You know me better than anyone else, do you really think that these two have the power to defeat me?"
Hashirama: "You know nothing about them... One of them wields perfectly the Toad Sage Mode, as well as the strongest Bijuu's chakra. And the other... he has even greater potential than yours in the past!"
Madara: "That guy? Perhaps I should give him a test..."

PAGE 10:

Madara creates one Wood Clone, and he sends him at the direction of Obito.

Hashirama: "I won't let you do this, you wanted to fight me, and you will!"

Suddenly, a Wood Dragon is shown going at the Madara clone direction, as it's cutted to pieces by four Susanoo swords.

PAGE 11:

Madara: "Hashirama, you were the one to cause me to test the brats... Why are you trying to stop me?"
Hashirama: "I'm your opponent, you have to deal with me first!"
Madara: "Don't worry, I'll just see if they really deserve your opinion on them. My clone is just a mere part of my real power, which I have in store especially for you!" (Makes an evil smirk)

PAGE 12:

Suigetsu: "Orochimaru-sama, should we join the party?"
Orochimaru: "Of course, but first... there are some things we should do."

Orochimaru claps his hands, as Minato's body starts to glow.

Minato: "Huh, this is...?"

PAGE 13:

Orochimaru: "It looks like Tobi's techniques prevent the Edo Tensei from auto-regenerating, huh..."
Minato: "Thanks for this, Orochimaru-san..." (As he's shown with regenerated right arm)
Orochimaru: "That's not all... Karin, check out what's the situation!"
Karin: "I'm already doing it... There are many shinobis with very low chakra level, one of them is there!" (Points at Shikamaru, Sakura and the others)

PAGE 14:

Orochimaru: "Go and heal him, save as many people as possible!"

Karin is shown arriving next to Shikamaru.

Sakura: "You're Sasuke's..."
Karin: "Stand back pink head, let me see what I can do!"

PAGE 15:

Ino: "Can you save him?"
Karin: "Yeah, I hope so... Here, bite me, we don't have much time!"

Karin puts her hand near Shikamaru's mouth, as he slowly opens it and bites Karin. His body starts to glow, as Karin transfers him her chakra like she did with Tsunade.

PAGE 16:

Madara's clone arrives near Obito, as he looks down at his injured body.

Madara's clone: "Pitiful... I should've become the Juubi's Jinchuriki!"
Obito: "Shut up... I'm not done yet!"
Naruto: "Madara, so you're going to help him?"
Madara's clone: "Uzumaki Naruto... And you too, young Uchiha. It's true that Obito's and obstacle for both of us, but I'm just a clone... Enough to test your power!"

PAGE 17:

Sasuke: "Uchiha... Madara!"
Madara's clone: "I heard very good things for you from Hashirama, Uchiha boy, though I already know that your partner isn't that weak. So I decided to test your strenght for myself. Now, show it to me!"

Madara's clone enters Complete Susanoo and charges at Naruto and Sasuke's direction. Suddenly, five people jump in front of Madara, as they cross his path to the boys.

Tsunade: "This is as far as you go!"

PAGE 18:

Naruto: "Granny Tsunade, Gaara, and the others, too!"
Madara's clone: "You just don't give up, do you... I should've finished you, to make sure that you wouldn't cause such a troubles..."
Tsunade: "Naruto... My grandfather's dream was the Five Great Nations to work together... We, the Five Kage, will protect his dream... I appoint you a new mission... to protect the world from that tree!"


Chapter 649/END


Second: Naruto 649 - The Dream becomes reality

The Answer to that plea is here...

[First scene shows all five kages standing firmly with many shinobi in Kyuubi cloak around]
Onooki: long Time no see, Hiruzen (smirks)
Tsunade: Grandpa ! (moves towards Hashirama's clone)
Mei: Nice to meet you Second Hokage(wink)
A: looks like Naruto was right, The saviour returns (smirks)
Gaara: *You are doing very well Naruto* (smiles )
[Hiruzen along with Minato and Tobirama are shown standing on cliff.]
Hiruzen: Onooki, what a surprise (smirks)
Minato: I am glad you trusted Naruto... A(smiles).
Tobirama: women, bothersome as always(sighs) 

[Tsunade is shown hugging Hashirama's clone with happy tears]
Tsunade: I would never imagine that I will meet you again, Grandpa
Hashirama: It is ok, Tsuna...(huggs her a little more then release) but we have more important things to care about first
Tsunade(wipe out her tears from her face): I know (turns towards Tobirama, Minato and Hiruzen) Nice to see you Sensei, Grand Uncle and Minato.
[Orochimaru and Suigetsu are shown standing next to Minato, Hiruzen and Tobirama.]
Orochimaru: So you didn't escape after all(cocky smile towards gokages)
[The Five kages are shown glancing at Orochimaru with unpleased and with lack of trust look]
Orochimaru: Not in mood, I see (pauses as he comes towards Hiruzen while putting one arm on Hiruzen)
Hiruzen: ?! 
Orochimaru: As Everyone is here I think it is the best time to act now. First, I will return you, Sensei to your prime age with Senjuu cells. (strange small cells are shown penetrating Hiruzen body which begin to smoke.)
[Hiruzen's body is shown smoking as his face and entire body begin revitalize, regaining youth features ]

Orochimaru: Also(glance at lack of Minato's right arm) I will restore your arm, Minato. You won't be too much of use in your current state(comes towards Minato as he places his arm on Minato's right shoulder)
[Minato's shoulder glows for moment]
[Dust rise from ground and begin to reform Minato's right arm]
SFX: Reforms !
Orochimaru: (glance at Raikage's lack of arm at corner of his eye) You lost you arm, Raikage.
A: This is your stupid student's fault... you are no better then him(serious face)
Orochimaru(smirks): Let's me see it, I may restore your arm as well. (leaps forward towards Five Kages)
Orochimaru(lands on ground): Well... (put his right hand on Raikage shoulder where he misses arm.) (weaves through few handseals) Forbidden technique: DNA recreation ! 
A(surprised): ?! (spot white fluid leaks out from Orochimaru's right hand then moving towards end of his arm)
SFX: Leaks out ! 
[White fluid stretches and forms shape of arm then changes it's color to his normal color of skin]
[All Five kages are shown with surprised expression on their faces.]

[Madara is shown striking at Hashirama with black rod coming out of his opened palm]
Madara: Why did you become so calm, Hashirama ! (try to pierce Hashirama with black rod)
Hashirama(opens his eyes): My, not our dream can actually comes true (dodges at side)
Madara: What are you talking abo-(stops his speech)?! (spot Five kages pressence in corner of his eye), so that annoying pests survived. *They may be lucky to live... but if this time they step in my way... they will pray for fast death*
[Naruto in Kurama shroud and Sasuke in legged Incomplete Sussano with Juugo are shown clashing with Obito. ]
Naruto: AGHH !!! (swings Kurama's shroud big paw at Obito)
SFX: swings !
Sasuke: AGHH !!! (swings Sussano's sword at Obito)
SFX: swings !
Obito: I won't let you ! (struggle trying to stop both Naruto's and Sasuke's attacks with black shield forming in front of him)
SFX: Defend ! Withstand !

[Obito is shown being pushed away but he doesn't give up]
Obito: Damn you ! (struggle) (Sussano's sword and Kurama's shroud big paw pierces through black substance shield)
SFX: Defence got broken !
[Obito is shown flying backwards due to force of Naruto's and Sasuke's strikes]
SFX: Fall down !
[Obito regains his control over his body stopping his fall down just few inches from ground]
[Obito is shown still hovering with his back turned towards ground.]
Obito: bastards (becomes angry as he feel small wound on his chest)
[Naruto and Sasuke fall down on ground in Obito's direction]
SFX: charges !
Naruto: don't let him catch breath, Sasuke ! (creates Giant Wind release: Rasenshuriken) Senpou :Wind release: Giant Rasen shuriken !
SFX: Swirl !
Sasuke: don't let me leave you behind me, Naruto(smirks) (prepares barrage of black flaming arrows to be shoot off at Obito)
SFX: Shoot Off !

[Giant Rasenshuriken infused with Senjutsu and barrage of black flaming arrows infused with Senjutsu are shown reaching hovering below them Obito.]
Obito: Don't understimate me (narrows his eyes) (then suddenly move aside dodging incomming attacks)
Naruto(falling down): Shit, everyone get away ! (forces his control over some shinobi cloak making them run away)
Sasuke(mad expression): *He is fast, I can't let him get away from us *
[Terrified expressions of Shinobi watching incomming Wind release: Rasenshuriken and Black flaming arrows are shown]
Shinobi: Shit !
Shinobi 2: No !
[Suddenly wall made of rock forms in front of them with thick layer of sand appearing at the top of the wall of rock.]

[The Shinobi slowly open their eyes spotting huge shield made of wood release with big scars at the top of Wood barrier(like Yatamto created wood barrier to protect himself from 4 tails Kyuubi Naruto attacks.)]
Shinobi: We live ! (spot huge bolder kept by Wood branches with great layer of sand at top of rocks.)
Shinobi 2: We are alive (cheer)
[Naruto and Sasuke are shown falling down as Obito suddenly appear behind them with cold expression]
[Shot on someone's legs disappearing]
Obito: Time for payback ! (serious) (stretches his both hands towards Naruto and Sasuke with black matter forming into spikes comming at them)
SFX: Strike !
[Suddenly Tobirama appears around Naruto and Sasuke with handseal formed ]
SFX: Appear !
TobiramaWater release: High pressure streams of water !(spits powerfull streams of water at Obito)

Obito: useless (pierces through huge mass of water while charging at Tobirama, Naruto and Sasuke)
[Tobirama stretches his both arms touching Naruto and Sasuke with each of his arm as Obito close his distance in fast way towards them]
Tobirama(serious glare): ... *Damn.. I won't teleport with them in time*
[Obito is shown striking at Tobirama with black stuff in shape of spikes but clashes with Sussano's sword and Kurama's shroud tails]
SFX: Clashes !
[Tobirama disappear along with Naruto and Sasuke]
SFX: Disappear !
[Tobirama appears along with Naruto and Sasuke next to two armed Minato and Young Hiruzen in his prime age. ]
Naruto: ?! (hit ground landing )(spot Minato with two arms and Young Hiruzen) Dad, you got your arm back (smiles) Third Hokage... wow you become young again (spot Orochimaru) Orochimaru ?!
Sasuke: ?! (hit ground landing ) (spot Minato and Hiruzen) what the (turns face towards smirking Orochimaru) *I see... so that is his work.*

Orochimaru: so you finally noticed me Naruto-kun (smirks) *he grown up a lot and become very powerfull*(calculative look then easy) Don't worry I am on your side and I brought bunch of familliar faces to you.
Naruto: ?! (suddenly he reminds himself about some familliar feeling as his Sage's mode sensing ability kick in) It can't be (tears are flowing from his eyes)
[The Five kages land behind him with smirks on their face]
SFX: Land !
Tsunade: Did you miss us, Naruto ?! (smiles)
Naruto(tears overflowing from his eyes): Granny Tsunade ! (turns around and huggs Tsuande)
Onooki: I see, still fighting and not giving up. I am impressed Naruto-kun (proud)
A: You are stubborn as always, I am glad we met again (smirks)
Mei: I hear a lot about you, It is nice to meet you in person finally Naruto-kun *He is handesome... completly after his father*
Gaara: You will never stop to surprise me, Naruto
Naruto: Thanks grandpa Tsuchikage (smiles) oi, You got your arm back Raikage old man, amazing. Umm thanks Lady Mizukage and nice to meet you too. (pauses) Gaara, long time no see. I missed you a lot (wipe out his tears)
[All Five Kages become more serious as they turn their look towards standing next to Naruto Sasuke.]

Sasuke: .... (glance a them for moment)
Tsunade(breaks silence): So you decided to help us Sasuke..., This isn' t time for it but don't think that everything will be forgiven you without punishment after war 
A(serious tone): I don't trust you, Uchiha Sasuke. (calm down a little) but I got my arm back so I have not any grudge against you anymore...
Onooki(try to smile): We met as enemies before... but this time let's work together for better future.
Mei: so you are on our side, Sasuke... don't dare to betray us(serious glance) *He is handesome, exactly like when we met*
Gaara: Sasuke... You told me once that you stays in darkness (pauses) I am glad you changed your mind(extends his hand towards Sasuke)
Sasuke(Look at five kages): Hmpf(reaches his hand to handshake with Gaara). Thanks for second chance, Five Kages.(cold speech) (turns his look back towards Obito with not care a lot.)
Tsunade: ?! (reminds herself about Shikamaru dying) Shikamaru !? (get interrupted)

Orochimaru: I already sent One of my minions to save him
Tsunade: Thank you... Orochimaru
Hiruzen: *Maybe there is still hope for you, Orochimaru...*(smiles) *But it is easy to loose trust but it is much harder to restore it... don't you think, Jirayia *(nostalgic feeling)
[Shikamaru is shown bitting Karin's arm with all rookies gathered around.]
Karin: Argh !
Sakura: ?!, He regains consciousness also his heart beat returns to normal rate... *Amazing... this girl can not only heal via chakra but actually also transfer her own life energy to other*
Shikamaru: ...(opens slowly his eyes)
Karin: Open you dirty mouth and let's my arm go. You sucked enough.
Shikamaru(opens his mouth as Karin pull her arm back): Thanks for saving me (Look around spotting every rookies around him) what a troublesome situation

Temari(goes through everyone): Shikamaru ! (huggs him !)
[All rookies are shown with relieved look on their faces.]
[Back to Naruto and rest standing on the cliff looking towards Obito hoovering high in sky]
Naruto: Ok, we can't loose any time more... as we have only 15 minutes and maybe one or two minut less for flower to blooms making this Infinite Tsukyiomi work. (glance at all Kages) it should be helpfull
[All Kurama nine tails stretches forward touching Five Kages... , Orochimaru and Sugietsu]
Five kages: amazing... *that is nine tails chakra combined with Naruto's own, impressive*
Orochimaru: He never stop cease to amaze me, Naruto-kun(looks at Sasuke's displeassed face...) *Sasuke isn't happy for that reason... I see...*
Suigetsu: Whoa... such crazy amount of chakra (look at his arms and feel much stronger)
Naruto: Ok, I am gonna go now-(get interrputed by Onooki hand), what do you want Grandpa Tsuchikage ?!
Sasuke: I am going too, ?! (stops spoting Onooki behind his and Naruto's backs.)
Juugo: ...

Onooki: You didn't think that only you can share something usefull with other, did you Naruto-kun(smiles), (become more serious as he smirks) I will make you able to fly as this Obito man can float freely... this will be helpfull for sure
[Onooki touches Naruto's and Sasuke's backs then does same to Orochimaru, Suigetsu, Juugo, All five Kages and finally To Minato, Tobirama and Hiruzen.]
Naruto: Thanks a lot granpda. (reminds something) I almost forgot... only Senjusu work on him so -(get interuppted)
Tsunade: We handle yourselves, besides I (smirks) I will go to Sakura to see how situation among shinobi looks like
[Tsunade leaps forward as Killer bee lands next to Naruto]
SFX: leaps forward ! lands ! 
Killer bee: Yo, Brother. (turns towards Naruto), I am amazed that you are so beast, Naruto (wee, rapping)

A: I am glad you are healthy and kicking, bee *It was good decision to let them go... without them the war would be already lost...*
Onooki: You and Naruto were fighting so long, I am glad A let you to go. (touch Killer bee's back)
Onooki(look around): ... (spot resigned and unsure what do do faces of shinobi)
A(look around ): *They lost their hope... actually they begin to loose their belief in wining war*(shouts ) Alliance shinobi army, your Supreme Comander arrives along with Rest Kages. Exactly, We are here to protect you, but especially our future. We, The Shinobi endure the worst pain only for making future better for other... our children(pauses) family.
Onooki: We lost To Madara Uchiha , but our fighting's spirit and will didn't go down but instead go up, make us even more stronger. Do you know why We didn't give up ?
The Shinobi army(confused look with thinking deeply uncertain look): ...
A: because we couldn't leave our people, we couldn't leave our villages and The most important we couldn't leave this World to Man like him (point towards Obito)

[Doubts of the shinobi begin to fade away as their faces begin to regain one lost confidence. ]
SFX: Regain confidence !
First Shinobi: To protect our villages (begin to become serious) 
Second Shinobi: and our World
A: That right, We can't loose our dream about peace. The dream which took all our efforts, took such big amount of time. In past we argued against each other, expierienced many conflicts, which led us to even Shinobi World War..., even three with currently being Fourth war.
[The Shinobi glance at each other with nostalgic feeling]
A: Although our past were wrong, we have hardly worked until this day. The day in which The peace in This World will finally turns into reallity !
[All shinobi are cheering as any signs of doubts, lack of confidence disappear from their faces to be replaced by new very strong fighting spirit and will. ]
Onooki: Today, We are going to change The Future... No matter how many lives it will cost us..., But Today we will change The Future !. The Future for our children and families and we have something which even He(points towards Obito) can't take from us (pauses)
All Kages: Our Will ! 

[All shinobi are looking at each other and cheering. The wave of positive voices spread around the battlefield]
[Naruto and Sasuke are shown flying in Obito's direction]
SFX: Fly !
[Sasuke enter Final Sussano with black marking spreading around it ]
SFX: Spread !
Hashirama(smiles): Yes, My dream can finally happen...(pauses) Finally we can understand each other (exactly as these two)
[Images of Naruto's and Sasuke's backs are shown]
[Suddenly Swirl appear in air and Kakashi comes out of it landing on ground, while holding his eye where he has sharingan with his right hand.]
SFX: Swirl ! Come out !

[Obito is shown floating very high at sky looking at everyone from above.]
Obito: Just Everyone(spot new facial expression on shinobi faces) restores their spirit... Hope is nothing like lie to make himself/herself feel better(Rinnengan and Sharingan glows violently in Obito's eyes. )
[Last scene shows top of God Tree where bud blooms slowly peel of revealing small glimpse of Sharinnengan eye in center of bloomsing bud/flower.]
Everyone arrives, The last battle for sake of The World begins !



The Five Kage have arrived onto the scene in order to provide reinforcements for the Allied Shinobi Forces. Will it be enough to halt the creation of the utopian dream world Obito is so hell bent on creating?! One things for certain, the maleficent Juubi Host will not give up too easily. 

Tsunade: Grandfather, you're dream will be realized! We, Gokage, have arrived to help!

Oonoki: Quite a magnificent speech there princess... [Floating, glancing sideways] hopefully you can back it up after Madara laid one down on us a couple of hours ago.

Ay: Hmph. [Sneer] Something I can promise you won't happen again! Where is that maniacal fool anyways?!

Gaara: That is not our focus as of right now. If what Hashirama told us is true, in fifteen minutes, that flower will bloom atop that tree, spelling the end of us all.

Mei: [Stepping forward] The Kazekage is right! For now, we will allow Lord Hashirama to battle the Uchiha.

Ay: Is that fear I hear in your voice, Mizukage?! Stand back and allow us men to handle the situation.

Hashirama: Hey, guys! Stop it! This isn't what I wanted to see. We need to work together. Like the Mizukage said, I'll handle Madara. I need you all to lead this Alliance and help Naruto and Sasuke-kun.

Scene shows Naruto and Sasuke engaged in intense close-combat with Obito. Both of the adolescent Shinobi are using all of their strongest techniques to slow the Juubi's host who effortlessly dodges them. Susano'o slashes and slices but to no avail as they seemingly slide past Obito who launches black rods through the thick armor. 

Minato: Hey! If you guys are gonna do something, be quick about it! My son is in trouble out there.

Ay: So we meet again Yondaime. By the way, where's Bee?!

Killer Bee: Yo! What's up bro!

Ay: Glad to see you're alright. Let's show these guys our infamous combination!

Killer Bee: Yoooooooosh! Le go! [Blast off]

Tsunade: Katsuyu! Sakura!

Sakura: [Jumps] Tsunade-sama!

Tsunade: I'm going to need you're help! Are you able?

Sakura: Yes, but Shikamaru is in trouble. Please take a look at him!

Tsunade: [Bent over Shikamaru] This isn't good. He's in critical condition.

Ino: [Tears]

Chouji: [Grimacing]

Tsunade: Sakura, I'm going to have you break my number one rule.

Sakura: [Shocked]

Tsunade: The Mitotic Regeneration Jutsu. 

Orochimaru: [Weary] The girl knows that technique at such a young age? I see... seems like I was wrong about her as I was Naruto. They've officially surpassed their teachers in all respective points. The age of the Neo-Sanin are here... but that in no means means its close to over! [Tongue flick]

Sakura: What do you want me to use that Jutsu for?

Tsunade: You're able to spread your chakra to Shikamaru and if you're using that technique while you do it then he'll get the effects too.

Sakura: ! Right, I'll perform it right away. [Looks at Shikamaru determinedly] [Begins healing him]

Mei: Tsunade! Ay and Bee are down!

Smoke is rising from two craters where Bee and Ay where smashed into. They struggle to rise as the effects from Obito's Yang techniques calm down. Naruto appears and begins to battle him yet again, pushing him back as Sasuke struggles to reform his broken Susano'o.

Tsunade: Alright! I'm ready.

Gaara: [All on Sand Cloud] Let's go!

Madara: Hmm... seems like those insects are still alive.

Hashirama: Grrrr... Madara!

Madara: Don't be mad that these generations have gotten weak. When scum try and step to me, I wipe them off the slate; Plain and simple.

Hashirama: Yeah, but there are many strong ninja's born after our generation. A vast variety that have the potential to surpass us!

Madara: That is true. And that's why they will be included into my world.

Hashirama: What are you talking about!

Madara: The Moon's Eye Plan is just a feign that I used to sway Obito to my side!

Hashirama: Wha --- what! Then... you're planning...?

Madara: You'll find out... [appears behind Hashirama] soon enough!

Hashirama: [Pierced by black rod] Ho --- how!

Madara: The technique you're brother used to kill mine! I remembered that moment and it's been in my heart all along! That is my Shinobi way! To avenge the death and sacrifice of my brother... and bring this planet to it's knees!

Madara has spoken! His true ambitions and motivations have been revealed! Hurry Naruto and Sasuke... for the end is nigh!

Tell me what you think about it? Please rate :D

Tuesday 24 September 2013




Naruto and Sasuke are shown standing together in Bijuu Sage Mode and Complete Susanoo respectively.

Naruto: "I won't let you deal with this alone... Sasuke!"
Sasuke: "Hmph, this is what I wanted to hear!"



Minato: (Thinking) "Naruto... you became perfect shinobi... just I imagined you to be..." (Tear is shown on his serious face)
Sakura: (Thinking) "Naruto... thank you... once again..."
Hinata: (Thinking) "Naruto-kun... You've been an example for me for all these years... And yet, I can't do anything... I can just rely on you and put all my hope in you... Because I know that you can do it, now go and save the world!" (Smile, combined with a tear appear on her face)


The Five Kage land nearby Tobirama, Hiruzen, Minato and Juugo.

Gaara: "Naruto... You're not overdoing it a bit, aren't you?"
Tsunade: "Kazekage, this is Naruto we're talking about, don't worry!"
Naruto: "Gaara, Granny! It took you too long, but I'm glad you're here! I guess that this should be handy..."

PAGE 4: 

Naruto uses Chakra Arms to touch the Gokage, giving them Kurama Chakra Cloak.

 "Huh, is this...?"
Onoki: "It's the Kyubi's power!"
Naruto:"His name is Kurama!"
Tsunade: "I see... So you two are friends now."


Kurama is shown in Naruto's mind.

Kurama: "Heh, that's enough, Naruto! Remember, the tree nearly killed us, we don't have much time before it blooms. And if this happens... then it's all over!"
Naruto: "Don't worry... I don't know how much time is left until it blooms, but I'll definitely stop it before this happens!"
Kurama: "Let's go then... Show them our true power, Naruto!"


Naruto: "Sasuke, we gotta get to work. Kurama just told me that we don't have much time!"
Sasuke: "Right... Amaterasu!"

Sasuke uses the black flames to burn the roots of the God Tree, but he fails, as the tree absorbs the chakra of the Ninjutsu.


Ay: "Heh, the Uchiha brat's really fighting on our side... Not that I'm going to forgive him for my hand anyway!"
Hiruzen: "Sasuke, don't use Ninjutsu against this thing. We can stop it only by physical force, or Senjutsu. Any other attempts will be unsuccessful!"
Minato: "Ay... Did you heard Lord Third? We have to stop him by physical strenght, are you ready?"


Ay: "Minato... Even you are here! Surprises just don't stop... Ready when you are!"
Minato: "Heh, too bad that we won't have our fight as a Kage vs Kage though..." (Smiles)
Obito: "You just don't seem to understand... In what position you are!"

The God Tree suddenly sends another set of roots at the Alliance's direction.


Naruto: "Damn... Sasuke?"
Sasuke: "I'm on it!"

Sasuke slices through some roots with his Susanoo, as Naruto is shown preparing large Bijuu Dama, reinforced with Sage Art.

Minato: "Naruto, I think that my help will be useful."

PAGE 10:

Minato lands near Naruto in BM, as he adds power to Naruto's Senpo: Bijuu Dama.

Naruto: "Thanks dad, this will help a lot!"
Minato: "Heh, you should thank Kurama instead."

Naruto and Minato shoot the Bijuu Dama, wiping out many of the tree's roots.

PAGE 11:

Sakura: "Master Tsunade! Shikamaru is heavily wounded, his chakra level is very low!"
Tsunade: "Sakura, you're my best student... I'm proud of you, I know that you can save him, until I stop this thing from killing anymore people!"
Sakura: "But..."
Karin: "Step aside pink head, I'll handle this."

Karin and Suigetsu arrive near Shikamaru, Sakura and the others, as Karin kneels before Shikamaru.

PAGE 12:

Karin: "Come on man, bite my hand, though I don't want any other than Sasuke to do it..."
Suigetsu: "Haha, you admitted again that you like Sasuke!"
Karin: "Shut up Suigetsu, you moron! You were the one who told me that healing the Alliance comes in first place, bastard!"

Shikamaru is shown biting Karin's hand, as he starts to regenerate his chakra similar to Tsunade when Karin was healing her.

PAGE 13:

Shikamaru is shown standing slowly, as he looks fully recovered.

Shikamaru: "Thank you, descendant of the Uzumaki clan..."
Karin: "Huh, that's my job after all..."
Sakura: (Thinking) "She's... a descendant of the Uzumaki clan?" (Looks with a surprised expression)
Choji: "Shikamaru, I'm glad that you're okay!"

PAGE 14:

Tsunade: "Good job... Now we should take care of our part, let's go, Kages!"
Mei: "Here we go!"
Hiruzen: "The boys took care of the bigger part, let's take care of the remaining ones!"
Tobirama: "Let's go, Saru!"

PAGE 15:

The Five Kage and the remainder of the Edo Hokages are shown destroying the other roots of the Shinju, as Madara and Hashirama are shown clashing.

Madara: "Tsk, these pests are just getting in the way of my plan..."
Hashirama: "Tsunade and the other Kages arrived, we'll find a way to stop your selfish dream from coming true!"
Madara: "Hashirama... Our battle is over now. I'm going to stop Obito and take his place... which was originally mine!"

PAGE 16:

Hashirama: "Even you can't..."
Madara: "Don't underestimate me! Now I have your power, remember? I have some tricks to offer... I'm itching to use my trump card!"
Hashirama: "Trump card...?"
Madara: "Go and help the Kages in their pathetic attempts to cut down the Shinju... While I'm taking down Obito!"

PAGE 17:

Obito: "I knew that you were going to betray me anyway some day... And you must know that I was the one using you, the whole time!"

Madara lands in his Complete Susanoo shroud in front of Naruto, Minato and Sasuke, staring at Obito.

Madara: "It's time for me to regain the leadership, Obito!"

Hashirama's Sage Mode markings appear around Madara's Rinnegan eyes, as he finally reveals his trump card, shown in a close up panel!

PAGE 18:

Minato: "Looks like Madara will try to take down Obito himself..."
Sasuke: "We can't think of him as an ally... He just wants to take the leadership in order to activate the Infinite Tsukuyomi himself. It's the perfect chance for me to avenge the Uchiha clan!"
Naruto: "I don't know about dad and Sasuke, but... Madara, you should know that I'm going to get rid of both of you in less than 15 minutes!"

Naruto is shown in the last panel with a serious look at Madara.


Chapter 648/END


                                                        NARUTO 648: A NEW RESOLVE..!

Naruto: Let's go, Sasuke!
Sasuke: Hn..!
[i]Madara:[i] That child attaining a Susanno'o of this level? Unheard of.
Naruto: I will attack Obito. Sasuke, focus on those huge branches!
Sasuke: .... *focused look*
Obito:Naruto.. Why do you struggle for this useless reality.. You saw with your own eyes earlier the death of your friends... Your comrades! Why do you still fight knowing that they WILL die one after the other?!
Kurama: Naruto... switch for a moment
Naruto stops abruptly and switches with Kurama
Kurama: Hey.. Obito brat.. I don't know what happened to you and that Kakashi... But a useless war over the ideal that this reality is useless is just plain cajolery.
Obito: What do you, a bijuu, know about war and reality?! You're the example of a mere tool that was used during war! Naruto... don't you remember? That Nine-Tails was the exact same thing that killed your parents and nearly killed YOU!
Naruto: First of all, Kurama is not a tool, he is a member of the village hidden in the leaves. I remember an old saying from Pervy Sage:"Everything happens for a reason."
Obito: Exactly. Me pursuing a world where everything is perfect. No peace. No wars, a perfect world. If you believe that everything happens for a reason, stop resisting and be pulled into my Genjutsu.
Naruto: Obito... after all these years of living, you still don't understand it. Sasuke... forgive me for saying this, but this applies to you too if you're gonna be Hokage. "It's not that if you become Hokage you'll be acknowledged, it's those that are acknowledged that be Hokage."
Obito: ...
Hashirama and the rest of kages smile
Naruto: I am the child of prophecy, what the Sage of the Six Paths couldn't finish, he entrusted that job to the chosen one, the child of prophecy, ME!
Naruto dashes towards Obito
Sasuke is seen cutting through alot of branches
Sasuke: Let's see if I can make it bigger.
Sasuke's Susanno'o gets legs but is half the size of Perfect Susanno'o.
Hashirama: That's...!
Suigetsu: Ooooh, that's kinda big! Is he planning to mow that big tree down with one slash of his Kagetsuchi sword?!
Karin: Ooooh Sasukeeeee, you ravish me with your awesomeeeeee power !! 
Orochimaru: Hn..!! I'd expect nothing less from the great Mangekyou Sharingan!
Sasuke: Let's go...
Sasuke cuts a really big branch with his sword and sends it flying
Sasuke: With Naruto's chakra, I can enhance the strength of Susanno's attacks... If that's the case, I can try this!
Sasuke: Shadow Clone Jutsu!
Naruto: Hmm? Sasuke can use Shadow Clones too?! He just keeps showing off >_>. I won't lose to him! Bijuu-Dama!
50 susanno'o appear and slashes through branches
Obito: I must do something about those things... They're damaging the Shinju.
Obito launches black rods at all Susanno'o and launched a slightly bigger rod at the original.
Naruto: Sasuke!! Watch out!
Sasuke: !!
Naruto: This is bad...!!
All the black rods suddenly disappear
??: Things have changed quite a bit.... Naruto-niichan!
Naruto: You're...!!
Konohamaru: Sarutobi Konohamaru, reporting for duty!
An army of Genin from all 5 Great Nations gather
Naruto: ?? How did you..?
Konohamaru: A few hours earlier we saw a huge explosion in 9 o'clock direction, it was pretty huge. Then we decided to go into war, gathered all the Genin of the 5 Great Nations and headed towards the battlefield! We couldn't have taken everyone, we took the ones with skill and determination to die on the front lines as shinobi!
Hiruzen jumps towards them
Hiruzen: What are you doing here?! Don't you know that you being here means that your lives are on the line?!
Moegi: We know, Old man. But in the village a dying shinobi approached us, and told us that this war wasn't to protect Naruto and Bee-dono anymore, it was to save all humanity! Look, we even gathered the missing nin and ANBU Black Ops and Assassination units of every respective village!
Naruto: Hey, Konohamaru. Since both Teacher and Student are on the battlefield, how about we showcase our ability as a team?
Konohamaru: Yeah!
Hiruzen: I cannot allow this! You are not doing any-
Naruto: Old man... his dream is to become Hokage. If he can't handle this, he won't be able to defeat me when we fight over the title 'Hokage'.
Naruto placed his hand on Konohamaru's chest
Kyuubi cloak forms around Konohamaru
Naruto: Let's go, Konohamaru!

Naruto 648: END

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