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Thursday 1 August 2013

Naruto 641 "You're the main stars!!" Summary:

With time running out on them as the ominous ball begins to glow even brighter, before any of them can react a regenerated Tobirama arrives to their aid. He grabs the orb and teleports to Obito whom he had managed to mark during their previous confrontation. As the orb expands some distance away from the shinobi, the real Tobirama arrives noting that it was a clone that was just destroyed. Elsewhere on the battlefield, the Allied Shinobi Forces watch on as the two titans Madara and Hashirama clash and as they look on awestruck that this was the level at which their predecessors fought, Shikamaru uses the opportunity to tell everyone — via Ino— that they were not to lose focus for a second because no matter how little power they had in comparison, even the smallest opening could be exploited. Meanwhile, Obito emerges from the rubble unscathed having used the mysterious substance to protect himself, leading Minato and Tobirama to readjust their strategy. As they do this, however, Sasuke rushes forth despite the Fourth's protests that he would create the opening and uses Amaterasu, which Obito deflects. Not one to be outdone, Naruto follows suit, correcting Sasuke and noting that they would be the ones to create the opening for the Second and Fourth to attack. While surprised, Tobirama nonetheless calls Minato to action, and both men mark each other with their respective Flying Thunder God seals intent on using the Instantaneous Swapping Flying Thunder God Technique. With the preparations made, Sasuke and Naruto rush forth with another Kagutsuchi-infused Rasenshuriken while simultaneously, Tobirama appears behind Obito. Preparing to launch their attack, Minato teleports before them and is struck with the technique. Employing their own tactic, the Second and Fourth literally swap places and before he knows it, Obito is struck by the young shinobi's attack instead. Some ways away, Sakura sees the black flames and asks Hinata how her team-mates were doing. The Hyūga notes that both young men were smiling.

Naruto 642 Prediction:"Best Friends"

Page 1:                                      

Naruto: "Take this!"
Sasuke: "I'll turn you into ash!"

Obito is shown fully engulfed by the flames of Naruto and Sasuke's Scorch Release: Halo Gale Jet Black Arrow Style Zero

Page 2:

Hinata: "It seems like they wounded him this time!"
Sakura: (Thinking) "Thank you... Naruto... Sasuke-kun!" (Smiles)
Sai: (Thinking) "Sasuke... We can trust you after all..." (Smirks)

Page 3:

Many random shinobis are shown cheering and screaming from joy, as Hiruzen lands near them.

Hiruzen: "It's too early for us to celebrate! Remember, he's like the Sage of the Six Paths!"
Shikamaru: "What do you mean,Third? He can't be completely invincible anyway..."
Hiruzen: "I'm not saying that he doesn't have any weak spots, but we mustn't let our guards down!"

Page 4:

Orochimaru, Suigetsu and Karin arrive at the Shinobi Alliance.

Orochimaru: "I agree with Sarutobi-sensei, he's the second Six Paths, heheh..."
Hiruzen: "You finally arrived. What about the others?"
Orochimaru: "They have to arrive soon. We healed Tsunade, while she already were treating the other Kages with Katsuyu as an assistance."

Page 5:

Sakura: "Master? She's okay and she's coming?"
Katsuyu: "Yes, I thought you were busy healing the others and I didn't tell you about the Kages' condition."
Sakura: "It's alright, Katsuyu-chan, as long as Master Tsunade is fine!"

Page 6:

Killer Bee: "And what about Bro, fools, ya fools?"
Katsuyu: "All of the Kages are in perfect condition, including the Raikage. They should be here anytime now."
Killer Bee: "If that's the case, I should enter the battle too, if I don't want to disappoint my bro!"

Page 7:

Gyuki: "Bee, you can use Bijuu Transformation whenever you wish!"
Killer Bee: "Good, I'm going to bring you some food, weeeeee!"

Killer Bee enters Bijuu Mode, transforming completely into Gyuki.

Page 8:

Madara: "Well, that could cause some trouble..."
Hashirama: "What?"

Killer Bee is starting to charge Bijuu Dama, aiming at Madara's Susanoo.

Page 9:

Killer Bee: "Eat this, The First i'm going to assist, Bijuu Dama!" 
Madara: "Why don't you just let me have a good sparring with Hashirama just like the good old days..."
Hashirama: "Madara... you know you can't die because of the Edo Tensei, right? You don't have to avoid it..."
Madara: "I'm going to block it, just to show you something, Hashirama... To show you your power, the power of the Mokuton: Jukai Kotan!"

Page 10:

Suddenly, large amount of trees emerge from the ground, blocking the way of the Bijuu Dama to Madara. Large explosion is shown, as Madara and his Susanoo stand intact.

Hashirama: "Tsk, Tobirama was right... You really have my power..."
Madara: "Of course, how do you think I got the Rinnegan... Thanks to you, that is. Besides... We're gonna have some fun soon." (Evil Smirk)

Page 11:

Minato: "Huh? What's going on?"
Tobirama: "The effect wasn't that big after all..."
Sasuke: "Damn that bastard!"

The black flames are scattered in many directions, as Obito stands intact after Naruto and Sasuke's attack.

Page 12:

Obito: "Is this... your full arsenal?"
Naruto: "Shit, this guy is though without a doubt!"
Minato: "I guess it's time to use the Rasen Senko Chou Rinbu Kosan Shiki!"
Obito: "I'm getting tired of all these teleportations..."

Page 13:

Minato / Tobirama: "!!" (Both looking with surprised look on their faces)

Obito teleports to them instantly and incapacitates them like he did earlier with Tobirama and Hashirama's clone.

Naruto: "What the?!"
Obito: "You're next... Naruto!"

Page 14:

Sasuke: (Thinking) "I have to think something fast! According to the First Hokage, there is one last form of the Susanoo, after the final... What if I try to achieve it..."

Sasuke activates his Final Susanoo and closes his eyes, focusing on maintaining the last form of the technique.

Sasuke: (Thinking) "I must concentrate and stabilize my chakra level..." 

Page 15:

Naruto: "So fast!"

Obito teleports like a flash in front of Naruto and grabs his throat, charging multiple Bijuu Dama spheres around him, as Sasuke is shown opening his eyes.

Sasuke: (Thinking) "Shit, he already got him!"

Page 16:

Kurama: "Naruto, I'm done! Quickly, enter Bijuu Mode and escape him!"
Naruto: "There is... no time!"
Hashirama: "No, Naruto... I have to help him!"
Madara: "Relax, Hashirama... You're busy, remember." (Smirks)
Hashirama: "Damn you, Madara... !"

Page 17:

Obito: "This is the end... The Kyubi is mine!"

Suddenly, enormous large blade hits Obito and sends him fly backwards, as Susanoo armor protects Naruto.

Madara: "Hashirama, take a look... This brat actually achieved Perfect Susanoo... Who is he?"
Hashirama: "His name is Sasuke Uchiha. And I can't believe what I'm seeing, too..."

Page 18:

Sasuke: "I already told you... that I'm the one who's going to change the shinobi system. Furthermore... I won't let you hurt my friends!" (Looking on with serious look with his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan)
Naruto: "Heh... I guess I should thank you... Now we're going to unleash our full power, Sasuke, Kurama!!!" 

Naruto activates Bijuu Mode, standing near Sasuke and his new unlocked Perfect Susanoo!

Naruto 642 Prediction : " Resolve "

[Chapter opens at Obito getting sent flying by Naruto-Sasuke's combined attack ]

Naruto : We did it ! ( smiling )

Sasuke : There is something off about him.

Tobirama : Yeah your right kid.

Naruto : Huh ?

( Minato land next to the trio )

Minato : He is letting us hit him deliberately , with his powers he should have no problem taking us down at our current states.

(Obito stop mid-air with the black flames still on him )

Obito : So you've seeing right through my bluff , that's quite like you Sensei ( smirks)

[ Scene change to Kamui dimension ]

( Kakashi is shown with blood dripping out of him )

Kakashi :Arrgh ! *I have no time to worry about my wound , i'm sure that Obito isn't dead , plus there is Madara and the Juubi , i have to go help them ! *

( Kakashi tries to use Kamui but his MS fade away living him with blurred vision )

Kakashi ( shocked ) : What ? *I shouldn't have used the Mangekyou so much * ( punches the floor ) * but anyway i'm not completely blind yet , i have to rest before using it one last time * Sorry Naruto you have to hold on until i recover a little .

[ Scene change to normal world ]

Minato : Obito why are you doing this ? what happened to you ?

( Obito absorb the black flames and looks unharmed )

Obito: Sensei stop acting dumb , you know full well that you're the one responsible for what happened to us, team Minato !
Where were you when i supposedly died ? it was me who saved my teammates , where were you when Kakashi went to save Rin ? again its me who saved that trash , but at the cost of Rin's life.

( Minato shocked and sad ) : I know that i failed you all as a teacher , but even then i'm the one to blame but besides wasn't your goal to become Hokage ?

Naruto/Sasuke : * Him too ! * ( both shocked )

Obito : Hokage ? hahahaha , you should know that titles don't mean nothing in this cursed world.

Tobirama/Minato : ?!

Obito : Look at yourself , you so called Hokage , what did you accomplish in your lives ? absolutely nothing but pure failure. me on the other hand have been working in the shadows for the perfect solution for this rotten world , Infinite Tsukuyomi !

Tobirama : I see that Madara completely brainwashed you kid.

Obito: Hehehe ,as if some one like you will understand a thing , we may not be good friends but he was the one that saved my life and opened my eyes on the truth of this world.

Naruto : I don't exactly understand what happened between you , my dad and Kakashi Sensei but i'll never let you end this world ! ( Enters Bijuu mode )

Sasuke : Same here ,i will not allow you to end this world and make my brother sacrifice be vain ! 
(Enters Susanoo )

Minato (smiles ) : * Naruto if only Jiraya Sensei was here to see how much you've grown.. * Obito i guess i have no choice but to take you down my old student. ( hold marked Kunai and glare at Obito )

Tobirama ( blue marks start to form around his eyes ) : I may not know you , but if you want to end this world you have to beat me first ! ( glare at Obito ).

( Hiruzen land next to Tobirama and co ) : Its a shame that you the hero of the Sharingan have turned like this ( Marks like Jiraya's SM form around Hiruzen's eyes ) I'm gonna take you down !

Obito ( glare at all of them ) : Well then let's end this !

Fairy Tail 346 spoilers[Predictions & Discussions]

Fairy Tail 345 "Someone's Voice" Summary:

Shocked to see her reflection in the shard of ice in front of her, Erza quickly inspects her body to confirm that she actually is a child. Realizing that she has in fact aged backwards somehow, the Requip Mage begins to panic as she thinks over what has happened. Wondering if she has any armors that could potentially fit her smaller frame, the Requip Mage missteps and tumbles down the mountainside, realizing that she is still moving and acting as if she is her normal size. Contemplating the reactions of her friends if they were to see her as she currently is, Erza vows to return to her normal state.

Meanwhile, in the forest near the village, the rest of the Team Natsu continue their stand off with the members of Sylph Labyrinth. Still shocked by the treasure hunters fighting capabilities, Natsu compliments them on being so strong despite not being Mages, only for Hiroshi to brag that Sylph Labyrinth is the strongest guild among the treasure hunter communities. As the trio continue to gloat over their winning of a treasure hunter guild tournament, Gray smiles, bragging himself as he reveals to have used his Magic to steal the bottle of liquid Moon Drip whilst the group was fighting.

Jumping straight back into battle, Hiroshi yells for Drake to shoot, though Lucy quickly gets Sagittarius to counter him and fire down his fired bullets. As the other members of Sylph Labyrinth begin to spring into action, Gray tosses the bottle to Natsu, who in turn passes it to Lucy. Continuing the game of "keepings off" as they each in turn avoid being hit and pass the bottle from one person to the next, everyone comes to a complete stop when Happy misses catching the vial and it smashes to the ground.

Completely distraught, the Sylph Labyrinth members cry over their lost Moon Drip, though whilst they do, Lucy suddenly calls everyone's attention to the lost liquid. Looking closer, the group notice that the liquid landed on a slick of the ice connected to the village, but only melted away a tiny square of it. Approaching and looking as well, Gray concludes that there probably was nowhere near enough of the liquid to melt the village -or the Eternal Flame- in the first place. Moving closer too, Natsu places his ear to the ground where the liquid fell, suddenly claiming that he can hear a familiar voice calling out to him through the ice. As the others state that they cannot hear anything, Natsu makes a break for the village, the others -including Sylph Labyrinth- running after him.

If you would like to discuss the Spoilers or predictions, please leave a comment below. Your Feedback is Greatly Appreciated, but NO SPAM here is more expecting and also for our benefits. Thanks for your support.

Fairy Tail 346 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!

One Piece 717 spoilers [Predictions & Discussions]

One Piece 716 "Don Qinjiao" Summary: 

As Kelly/Bobby Funk is completely amazing the crowd by devastating other combatants in the arena, Don Chinjao orders Sai to get revenge for Boo, while another participant recalls how he saw what the Funk brothers did to become the seemingly combination of the two. As Boo was attacking the Funk brothers, Bobby activated his devil fruit ability, transforming him into a jacket which Kelly then wore. Bobby explained that though Kelly was born with a tenacious body he has a weak personality which is the opposite of Bobby who has a fierce personality but a body that lacks strength. However when Kelly wears Bobby, Bobby's personality takes over Kelly's body making good use of it. Bobby then further explained his abilities which stem from the Jake-Jake fruit which makes him a jacket man that can control whomever wears him, even animals and monsters. After that the fight between the Funk brothers and Boo was over with Kelly/Bobby knocking Boo out easily with one punch.

Tow guys become one!!! What the hell!! 

Jacket man with the "Jake Jake Fruit" !!!  
I can control whoever wears me, even animals or monster.

Sai then approaches the Funk brothers who began to insult Sai calling him a pitiful man who is unable to take care of his own brother, though Sai does not react to their words and merely explains that Boo did not train enough which is the reason why he was taken out so easily. The Funk brothers then attacks Sai who further explains that after becoming a disciple of Hasshoken he got rid of any brotherly emotions, but after easily dodging all of his opponents attacks, states that as leader of the Happo Navy he will avenge his men. Sai then delivers a formidable kick to the Funk brothers, knocking both of them out.

Monster Kellybeen defeated!!! Hasshoken koed him with just one kick!!!

Elsewhere Luffy is confronted by Don Chinjao who wishes for Luffy to pay for what Garp did to him explaining that Garp had stolen his power and his memories of youth, to which Luffy responds that he knows nothing of what his grandfather did and asks that Chinjao confront Garp about it. Unfortunately Don Chinjao refuses, telling Luffy that even Garp's death would not be a sufficient punishment and that he must lose someone close to him. Jean Ango who has been watching the whole affair is delighted, realizing that Lucy must indeed be the real Straw Hat Luffy. Luffy then tries to take back his helmet but is stopped by Jean who taunts Luffy while throwing knives at him. Luffy dodges all these knives with ease due to his Kenbunshoku Haki, while Jean explains his desire to kill all the prisoners of the Jail break team from impel down, which makes Luffy wonder how Ivankov is while still dodging all of the knives thrown at him. Don Chinjao however is not so lucky and is hit by a lot of the knives which surprises Jean enough that Luffy manages to steal back his helmet, while an angry Don Chinjao knocks out Jean.

The Legendary Pirate Don Qinjiao.

Meanwhile Ideo and Sai have been duking it out using their martial art styles against each other, though neither is able to take the lead in the fight. When Luffy finally accepts Don Chinjao's challenge, the two rush at each other with Luffy knocking out Sai and Don Chinjao knocking out Ideo who were both in their way, thus leaving the two as the only combatants left in the C block battle royale as they began to clash. Both of whom throw Busoshoku Haki imbued punches at each other while Diamante who is watching the match along with the spectators comments on the clash of Haoshoku Haki.

Only two pirates left!!! 
The Block C battle is down to its final two combatants, and I'm sure no one is surprised that it ended up being Luffy vs. Don Chinjao. The Funk Brothers surprised me a bit last chapter by taking out Boo, but they weren't really that strong as Sai one-shoted them. And then Jean gets one-shoted by Don, and then Don one-shots Ideo while Luffy one-shots Sai, so the strongest were quite a bit stronger than the other fighters. Luffy will probably win, but Don will put a good fight that's worthy of someone who had half a billion on his head an also has Conquerer's Haki. We'll see if Luffy will be able to keep his disguise during the battle, although pretty much everyone who matters already knows Luffy's true identity anyways.

What do you think about one piece 716? 

One Piece 716 Spoiler Trivia: Luffy’s alias at the Corrida Colosseum, Lucy, is also pronounced as rushi in japanese which might be related to Master Roshi; additionally Luffy’s disguise as Lucy also resembles Master Roshi.

If you would like to discuss the Spoilers or predictions, please leave a comment below. Your Feedback is Greatly Appreciated, but NO SPAM here is more expecting and also for our benefits. Thanks for your support.

One Piece 717 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!