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Saturday 10 August 2013

One Piece 718 spoilers [Predictions & Discussions]

One Piece 717 " What Dressrosa's forgot " Summary: 

Luffy and Don Chinjao continues to battle in Block C. Chinjao learns that Luffy learned to control his Conqueror's Haki from Rayleigh, and this bring back some bad memories that make Don Chinjao both pissed off and crying profusely at the same time. Outside the coliseum, Sanji and Kinemon watch the battle on the big screen. Sanji wants to alert Luffy to what's going on outside, but the coliseum is surrounded by Marines led by Vice Admiral Bastille.

Meanwhile, One-legged Soldier is telling Franky about the origin of the toys in Dressrosa. Dressrosa has a curfew after midnight, and also no toys may enter human homes and no humans may enter toy dwellings. Soldier then reveals that all of the toys used to be people. When Doflamingo took control of the country 10 years ago, he brought along a Devil Fruit user who has been turning people into toys. Many of the people have been forgotten, and toys that try to claim that they are humans are thrown into scrap heaps. Soldier tells Franky that he'll explain everything when they arrive at Flower Fields.

Back at Green Bit, Law is busy rolling around trying to survive Doflamingo and Fujitora's attacks while trying in vain to call Nami's group. The battle continues to shake the dwarf kingdom underneath, and they think it's Usopp's haki. The dwarfs explain to Usopp and Robin that they need rescue 500 of their comrades including their princess from the dark factory Doflammingo operates, and that factory is located right beneath the coliseum.


I was looking forward to Luffy and Chinjao going mano a mano, but I'm not surprised the narrative started cutting to the other characters. It is not all about Luffy after all. The story lines continue to converge, and it looks like everyone's final target will the coliseum since Doflamingo's factory lies in the basement of the coliseum. Apparently all of the toys were once people and they are all victims of Doflamingo, and so they are out for some payback as well. Out of the Straw Hat and Law alliance, Law and Nami's group are in a bit of trouble. We still haven't checked on Zoro yet, but if I remember correctly he and his dwarf friend are also showing up at Flower Fields. There is going to be a massive showdown at the coliseum between the dwarfs, toys (Soldier's friends), Doflammingo's forces, the Straw Hat-Law alliance and the Marines. This will turn into a gigantic mess, which is the way we like it. I wonder if the coliseum's tournament will reach the finals at this pace.

Are you trying to become a king? 

Arine HQ Vice-admiral: Shark Slasher Bastille. 

Here in dressrosa, since 10 years ago,
when doflamingo became king...2 laws have been strictly obeyed...!! 
The lights in the town go off at 0:00 am. after that, no one goes out!
1: Humans must go back to their houses, toys must go back to "Toy Houses". 
2: Toys and human mus absolutely not enter each other's houses. 

In this world, there are forgotten things, and people who forgot them! 

We toys used to be humans. We were turned into toys by *A Fruit User*, that Doflamingo took here 10 years ago!! 

What do you think about one piece 717? 

One Piece 716 Spoiler TriviaIn Episode 13 of Gintama, Gintoki and Katsura disguise as pirates to get into an alien ship. They said they were searching for the treasure “One Park”, an obvious play-on-words of “One Piece”

If you would like to discuss the Spoilers or predictions, please leave a comment below. Your Feedback is Greatly Appreciated, but NO SPAM here is more expecting and also for our benefits. Thanks for your support.

One Piece 718  spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!

Naruto 643: The Second Hokage!

Naruto has hit Obito with a powerful Rasengan infused with Nature Energy! Will this be the final revelation in their battle against the Juubi, or turn out to be another false hope?!

Minato: This is... the Kyuubi?!

The Fourth Hokage is pulled into a swirling darkness where a gigantic cage lies in front of him. Within it is a dark beast with the complete form of the Nine Tails except it's eyes glow a menacing white. Nervously, Minato takes a couple of steps forward up to the bars and peers up at the monster. It glares down at him as if expecting something.

Minato: So, what is this?

Kyuubi: Ever since you sealed me into you during that battle with the Masked Man, I've been trapped within your soul causing me to linger with you in the afterlife and not be reborn again in the world. 

Minato: But you shouldn't even have been reborn! You're just the Yin half of the real Kyuubi! 

Kyuubi: (Growls) Watch yourself, boy. The only reason you've been able to enter that mode you're in is only because I allowed it. Now, when you separated us into two different forms, we became singularities. At that point, you created two beast, both weaker than the original but still two.

Minato: (Sweating) I see... so, what now?

Kyuubi: Now, it's time to restore us back to normal. 

Minato: Huh?! You mean...!

Kyuubi: Yes, I need to join my other half... so that your boy can reach a new power that surpasses any seen so far except the Juubi's. It's our only hope.

Minato: ... (Gulp) Okay!

Kyuubi: Let me warn you, though. The blow you've recently taken has made your Edo body into that of a regular living one. The process of you transferring me over to Naruto... will kill you.

Minato: (Shocked) Well... that's okay... at least I got to see my boy one more time! 

Kyuubi: (Nods) Now go! The fate of the world is now on your shoulders, little man! (Points)

Minato: Right!

The darkness surrounding Minato slowly dissipates as he closes his eyes. His thoughts roam from Kushina to Naruto to... Obito and how he failed him. "I'll make things right, Obito! Trust me on that one!". The terrain returns to normal and suddenly he's staring at a huge explosion caused by Naruto's Rasengan.

Tobirama: It worked! Senjutsu will hurt the him!

Naruto: Yeah I noticed that Senjutsu will work on him when i saw that the black thing didn't evoporize Gamakichi's jutsu  

Sasuke: Very good, Naruto. 

Minato: I'm proud of you Naruto! You'd make a splendid Hokage!Anyways, listen here! I have a gift for you, Naruto!

Naruto: (Eyes closed) Dad, now's not the time for late birthday presents!

Minato: I know, but this one will help you best Obito...

Naruto: Huh?! Why didn't you say so? What is it?!

Minato: I'm going to give you back the other half of the Kyuubi's chakra! 

Naruto: The other half?

Kurama: You dope! My other chakra! This is good, don't mess this up boy. With it, you'll be able to enter Bijuu Mode almost instantly!

Naruto: Huh?!?!

Minato: No time to explain! Second Hokage, do you understand?!

Tobirama: Hmph. I'll hold of the beast until then.

Minato: Great! Sasuke-kun ---

Sasuke: I understand, just go!

Minato: (Smiling) Right! 

Tobirama: Oh, Fourth. Be sure to tell the rest of the Shinobi about the Juubi's newfound weakness. They'll have to exploit it soon enough.

Minato: Yes! Naruto, let's go! 

Naruto: Right! (Disappears) 

Tobirama: ... Uchiha brat, I'll handle this. 

Sasuke: What? No! We do this together.

Tobirama: I'M NOT ASKING.

Sasuke: ....

Tobirama: Go and reserve some chakra. The real fight is coming. 

Obito: (Coughing) Damn you, Naruto! I'll have to kill him, unfortunately. 

Tobirama: Heh. Kill him? Worry about the Second Hokage first!!! Suiton: Majestic Ocean! 

Sasuke: ?!?!

The ground begins to shake and tears and cracks rip through the Earth as a noise begins welling up underneath the feet of everybody. Hashirama is badly injured, but even he feels the monstrous shaking. "Heh, so little people give my brother credit. All they think about is me, me, me... but the truth is... Tobirama's a beast too!". The ground erupts and a torrent of water is released that quickly covers the field. Tobirama stands in the center of it as Obito covers his eyes from the vast ocean spray. The Second Hokage does some hand signs and summons a trident.
................................................................the end.....................................................................