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Monday 19 August 2013

Naruto 644 spoilers [Predictions & Discussions]

Naruto 643 "Two Fists Bumping Together!" Summary:  

Yin Kurama questions Minato about whether or not he intended to have his son take care of the situation for him.

The fox notes that it would not easily comply with its other half simply because it was sealed within Naruto. The fox then tells Minato that none of what Obito was accusing him was any of his fault and that his son was the one trying to fix the situation.

Meanwhile, Yang Kurama alerts Naruto to the current situation. Back on the battlefield, Naruto and Tobirama regroup with the others, and while Naruto explains the fact that senjutsu had been effective against their opponent, Tobirama muses to himself that Naruto's ability to work with his Flying Thunder God Technique and use of senjutsu reminded him greatly of his own teamwork with his brother.

Recovering from his injuries as his opponents strategise, Obito casually noted that this world no longer held any meaning and that it was time that he continued on with the Eye of the Moon Plan. Creating an enormous tree with four opened flowers, Obito creates four Tailed Beast Balls intent on destroying the remainder of the Allied Shinobi Forces.

As the shinobi scramble to deal with the situation, Tobirama noted that even if he and Minato used the Flying Thunder God Technique to teleport the attack away, they could each only carry two, only halving the threat. Calling out to his brother, Hashirama once again beseeches Madara to put their battle off so that he can deal with the situation, but the Uchiha notes that they were reincarnated and as such it would not matter if they were caught in it.

He then challenges his Senju rival to charge through him if he wanted to help. One of Hashirama's remaining wood clone calls out to the Alliance to not lose their nerves and explains his strategy to them. However, Obito with the use of the chakra receivers erects a barrier, intent on trapping the shinobi with the attack. As they readjust their strategy to their new predicament, Naruto notes that he had a plan but wasn't sure it would work. He then proceeds to ask Minato to bump fists with him, connecting the two halves of Kurama.

As Obito — wrapped in a defensive cloak — continues to decry Minato noting that it would soon be the anniversary of Kushina Uzumaki's and Rin Nohara's deaths. Noting that it only meant that tomorrow was also his birthday, Naruto tells Obito that the world would not end because he still existed within it. Donning his Tailed Beast Mode mantle, he calls out to his father who, after noting that their son had grown up, responds emphatically.


Not that much happened in this chapter. The Sage Rasengan was effective, but it didn't amount to much as Obito decides to bring out the big guns... or flowers in this case and annihilate everyone. The rest of the Shinobi Army and everyone else seems pretty helpless, and Hashirama is still tied up by Madara, and so it's still up to the current core group of Naruto, Minato, Sasuke, and Tobirama to do something about the situation. I wasn't expecting Minato to be able to directly talk to Kurama, but it makes sense since Minato does have half of Kurama sealed away. I guess we'll see some mad teleporting combined with Naruto's moves in the combined attack. Sage Mode attacks will likely appear too since they are the only effective method of offense seen so far, but Naruto is in fox mode right now.

By the way, whatever happened to Killer Bee and Sarutobi? I guess Obito's attack completed destroyed Sarutobi and so he's not coming back?

If you would like to discuss the Spoilers or predictions, please leave a comment below. Your Feedback is Greatly Appreciated, but NO SPAM here is more expecting and also for our benefits. Thanks for your support.

Naruto 644 Spoiler TriviaIn the film Naruto 5: Blood Prison, the red coat Naruto wore during his return in the Invasion of Pain would appear when he enters Sage Mode. Like every other physical change with the form, it would disappear when he turns back to normal. 

Naruto 644 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!

One Piece 719 spoilers [Predictions & Discussions]

One piece 718 -The Riku Royal Army In The Flower Fields Summary:

The dwarfs of the Tontatta Kingdom assemble and launch using intelligent insects and foxes as mounts, and Robin and Usopp tag along for the ride. As the army is marching, the old dwarf king decide to tell Robin and Usopp a bit about the history between the dwarfs and Doflammingo.

In a secret underground base under the Flower Fields, Toy Soldier introduces Franky to a bunch of dwarfs who will also be helping with the uprising. Zoro is already there having being led to the location by Wicca, but Zoro is busy watching the TV broadcast of Luffy fighting Don Chinjao. Soldier's group also has gotten word of that Usopp and Robin are with Tontatta Kingdom's forces, and Franky and Zoro identify themselves as "Usoland the hero"'s comrades. Zoro then remembers that he needs to go back to the Sunny to help out Nami's group.

Back at the Sunny, Nami and cohorts battle Jora and managed to take out Jora's ship and her underlings, but Jora's Devil Fruit power of turning things into artwork is getting the better of them. While fighting Nami's group, Jora reveals that there is another person in Doflammingo's group that turns people into toys. The Denden Mushi starts ringing because Law is calling the ship, but Nami's group can't really answer the call. Back on Green Bit, Law is struggling to avoid Doflammingo, and Doflammingo tells Law to give up as traps has been set for Luffy and the other Straw Hats.

Meanwhile, Sanji and Kinemon are watching the Luffy-Don Chinjao fight from outside the coliseum. Inside the coliseum, Jesus Burgess arrives at the observation deck to check out the battle, although he hasn't figured out who "Lucy" is yet. Down in the coliseum, Luffy starts using his signature Gomu Gomu moves against Don Chinjao.


Lots of things going again on once again in One Piece, but nothing is coming close to getting resolved yet. The dwarfs and Toy Soldier's group are getting ready to launch their attacks on Doflammingo's places, and some of the Straw Hats are along for the ride whether they want to or not thanks to Usopp's little lies. Nami's group is not doing so hot against Jora, so Zoro will have to go save them. Law is also not doing so well against Doflammingo, but I don't know who is going to show up to help him. Law's situation is probably the worse out of everyone in the alliance. Meanwhile, Luffy is still slugging it out with Don Chinjao, and now even Jesus Burgess has come to watch. Luffy is starting to use his rubber abilities, which means his not-so-secret secret identity probably won't be a secret for much longer.

One Piece 719 Spoiler Trivia: In Chapter 355 during the flashback with Tom, Iceburg, and Franky, Robin’s bounty was incorrectly written as 78,000,000. 

If you would like to discuss the Spoilers or predictions, please leave a comment below. Your Feedback is Greatly Appreciated, but NO SPAM here is more expecting and also for our benefits. Thanks for your support.

One Piece 719 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!

Naruto 644 Prediction: Father And Son United

*Minato and Naruto are still bumping fists while Obito watches both son and father*

Obito: It doesn’t matter what you do anymore…now it’s useless. You do not have the power to break this barrier.

Minato (thinking): No….not separately at least.

*Minato appears alongside Naruto in front of their two Kurama*

Naruto: Have you got my plan already, dad?

Minato: Yeah…I think I did.

Dark Kurama: I still don’t like this plan, while it might work, it might backfire as well…and if it does-

Kurama: Have we got other option? We all know this is the only way of getting even close to stopping those Bijuudama.

Dark Kurama: That is indeed true….

Kurama: Then let’s do this…

Both Kurama (Simultaneously): Chakra Fusion! *Both make the tiger Hand seal with one hand and continue the fist bump with the other while sitting next to each other*

*Back to the real world*

Minato: Sasuke! Second! We will need your help in this one…

Tobirama: What is it? What do you have in mind?

Naruto: We`ll need you to buy us some time.

Sasuke: Buy you time? How?

Naruto: I can sense that the giant flower is connected to Obito, the Jinchūriki. If you manage to delay him, even a bit, it would help us.

Sasuke: We cant delay him…only Nature Chakra based attacks affect him and neither I nor the Second know Senjutsu…

Tobirama: No…*Smirks* But there is someone who does…lets go, Sasuke. *Touches Sasuke`s shoulder and both disappear with FTG*

*Tobirama and Sasuke appear on top of the wood golem, next to Hashirama, who is fighting Madara by controlling wood dragons against the Perfect Susanoo*

Tobirama: Brother!!

Hashirama: Tobirama!! What is it?! Cant you see I am busy?!

Tobirama: We need your help! The Enemy is using Onmyoudon!!

Hashirama: Onmyoudon…*Hashirama`s expression turns dead serious* The power held by the legendary Rikudou Sennin….

Tobirama: We discovered the Juubi Jinchūriki`s weakness! He is weak against Senjutsu!

Hashirama: Senjutsu, huh? Good, but I can’t help you! Madara won’t let me get away! Unless someone else is willing to fight him I won’t be able to get out of here…

Sasuke:…*Jumps and lands on a nearby wood Dragon`s nose* Stay back…

Tobirama: Sasuke…what are you-??

*Sasuke forms Susanoo around himself and prepares an arrow with Enton on it, he then positions it *

Sasuke: Headshot…*Relleases the Enton Arrow, the arrow flies all the way to the Perfect Susanoo`s forehead and impales Madara Uchiha, dismissing his Susanoo and throwing him back in the ground*

Madara (thinking): This arrow….again? *Flashes back to Sasuke`s attempt to kill Obito*

Sasuke: …*Sasuke takes a hold of his sword and spins it in the air before pointing it to the far away Uchiha* MADARA UCHIHA!! I AM YOUR OPPONENT!!

*Tobirama stares at Sasuke in surprise as Hashirama simply smiles *

Madara (thinking): So the young Uchiha wants a battle…well, that could turn out interestingly…

Madara: Well, then… *Gets Up, fully regenerated* Fine. Let’s see the present Uchiha clan`s strength.

*Sasuke Jumps out of the Golem`s head, followed by Tobirama*

Sasuke: Stay out of this. I am the one destined to erase the Uchiha Clan`s past.

Tobirama: Nonsense, Madara is too much for you to handle alone.

*Madara comes out of the ruins formed by Wood Dragons and wood Humans*

Madara: It doesn’t matter… in fact: The more, the merrier. You may come against me with an army backing you up…the results will not change.

Sasuke: Fine. You will do a decent backup, however do not forget…*Him and Madara simultaneously activate both their EMS* This battle is mine…

*Sasuke dashes off against Madara*

*Meanwhile, watching all from the top of his Wood Golem Hashirama Senju smiles before dashing off*

*Obito is seen inside his black shield*

Obito (thinking): It wont be much now…

*Suddenly an Impact throws Obito off his shield, making him land on the ground face flat*

Obito: Who…? *Looks behind to see a sage mode Hashirama*Of course…

Hashirama: Obito Uchiha…wasn’t that your name?

Obito: It doesnt matter…*Forms a pair of lances with two of his black orbs, trying to pierce through Hashirama, however the sage easily dodges it and manages to jump back*

Hashirama: Here I go… *Makes a series of handseals* Wood Style: Laughing Buddha Jutsu!! *A gigantic hand comes out of the ground and grabs Obito, holding him tight*

Hashirama (thinking): This should hold him tight until- *Both his eyes widen* Damnit!! *The hand explodes in a Bijuudama, as the smoke clears we see a dome of wood that was formed around Hashirama for him to protect himself*

*Obito floats and lands on the ground with no expression whatsoever in his face*

Obito: You will have to do better than that…

Hashirama (thinking): If I wasn’t on my sage mode who knows what might have happened…this guy is strong…

Hashirama: You are in no doubt very strong…however…*Makes a handseal* I mustn’t let you win…

Obito: Do as you want, it will change nothing…

*Both dash at each other*

*KCM Minato and BM Naruto are seen bumping fists, both with their eyes closed when suddenly Minato smiles*

Minato: Its almost done. Heh…

Naruto: What is so funny, dad?

Minato: Its because I came here with the intent of giving you this as a gift, something big enough to compensate all the time I couldn’t be there for you…however this ended up being nothing less than a present for your 17th anniversary…in other words…*Both their fists lose contact as Minato steps aside, Opening his eyes, the moment he does that, his KCM disappears as if being sucked in by Naruto*…happy birthday, son.

*Naruto opens his eyes and suddenly an explosion happens, much like when Naruto went version 2 but this time golden*

*Hashirama and Obito look at the golden explosion*

Hashirama: ???

Obito (thinking): This power…Naruto Uzumaki…

*Madara dodges Sasuke`s Chidori Spear with a backflip and as soon as he lands in the ground him along with his three oponents turn their eyes to the golden explosion*

Madara (thinking): The Kyuubi…

Sasuke (thinking): Naruto…

Tobirama (thinking): Took you long enough.

*The explosion calms down but leaves dust in the air, we see Naruto`s fingers in a very familiar handseal*

Naruto: Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu. *Out of the Dust cloud six golden flashes come out running at amazing speed, each one heading to one of the chakra receivers, we then see a panel of six small explosions on the barrier, each explosion in one of the chakra receiver`s location, we then see the barrier lowering itself*

Minato (thinking ): What a power…!

Obito (thinking): He managed to put down the barrier?! Damnit…Still, the alliance wont escape the Bijuudama…

*Still in the dust cloud we see Naruto`s Silhouette*

Naruto: Ok Kurama....lets do this.

Yin and Yang, togheter again...what is Naruto`s true power??