
Welcome to Crunchy Manga's Blog! The goal of this blog is to provide up to date Naruto Manga information for Naruto fans.Asides this we will give u Bleach manga,One piece manga,Fairy Tail manga spoilers and a vast Variety of Manga information. Unlike many Naruto manga,Bleach manga,One piece manga blogs,Crunchy Manga will not be providing you with manga scans. However, I hope to provide summaries and information on all the manga updates and provide you with great and wonderful community experience. This blog will feature news and reviews of various Japanese media. While mostly I will be reviewing Anime series and Manga, occasionally I will also be posting news articles about various things such as Anime and Manga.

Thursday 27 June 2013

Naruto 637: Obito's Power

Obito rejoins the battle! 
Obito: Alright, let's see what these new powers can do! 
[He jumps into the air and teleports behind members of the alliance. His right arm turns into a cannon! He unleashes a devastating shot which rips through the shinobi. Only one survives. Before he can stand Obito appears behind him and rips out his soul.] 
Obito: (Now that I have two, I can use their techniques more freely......) Well, I think that was a nice start. Shall the horror show continue? 
[Sakura jumps towards him from above and tries to land a powerful kick on him]

Sasuke: (Well, she's certainly more energetic. Still a fool though) 
Minato: [Sitting next to Shizune and Ino as they're healing Kakashi] (How? The Kyuubi incident.....don't tell me that was Obito too. Damn it what's happening?! Nothing's making sense. Obito would never hurt Kakashi, let alone beat him within an inch of his life. Am I in a genjutsu or something?) 

[As the dust, settles Sakura sees that Obito used Kamui to avoid her attack] 
Naruto: Sakura-chan! Get outta there! NOW! 
Obito: What a reaction. So....[Obito thinks of Rin]...you're the one he cares about the most. I know just what to do next.. 
[Sakura dodges a swift roundhouse kick from Obito. She launches an uppercut right for his chin. He Kamui's behind her and makes hansigns] 
Obito: Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu! 
[Sakura moves and dodges a lot of the flames but is still hit by some. She lands on her feet but is panting and her uniform is burned and ripped in several places] 
Gamkichi: Naruto! Wait he's too dangerous! 
[Naruto is jumping towards Obito with a Demon Wind Shuriken in hand. Obito sways to the side to avoid the Shuriken and it changes into a Naruto Shadow Clone while it's behind him] 
Obito: Predictable. Always with the same strategies. Almighty Pull! 
[The clone is pulled towards Obito who stabs it with a wood spike] 
Obito: Naruto, I've had Zetsu watching you and reporting back to me for a long time about your development. Ever since Minato-sensei and his wife died due to my actions, I've found it amusing watching your failed attempts to progress. Every battle you've fought Zetsu has recorded. Your pathetic attempts at heroism were one of my joys. 
Naruto: Bastard! I'll....wait Minato-sensei?! 
Obito: Ah yes you still know so little about me. My name is Obito Uchiha. I was a memeber of Team Minato along with Kakashi and Rin. I sacrificed myself to save them and gave Kakashi my Sharingan. But, I lived. Madara found me and monitored my recovery. I trained to rejoin them but then I saw a horror. Rin had been made the 3-Tails Jinchuriki and jumped in front of Kakashi's Raikiri to protect the village. This made me realize the ninja system is full of shit. I'll change this world into a paradise! 

Guy: (So that's what happened) 
Sasuke: (So that's his story...)
Minato: (I wasn't there to protect her, so that's how this began. Obito...) 
[Kakashi moans and sturs] 
Minato: Kakashi!? 
Kakashi: I'm so....sorry...Rin where is she? Minato-sensei I've failed you. Obito is drowning in darkness. I deserve to be dead. 
Minato: [Holding Kakashi's hand] You're not dead yet. Spare your strength Kakashi, I'm here. 

Naruto: You're insane! 
Guy: Dynamic Entry! This is for Kakashi! 
Obito: Almighty Push! 
[Guy, Naruto, and Sakura are flung away from Obito. The latter two Allied shinobi land in a compromising position] 
Sakura: (Ahh...Naruto...) 
Naruto: (Just when I thought nothing good was gonna happen. Sakura-chan is so...) 
Killer B: Ah young love, but now ain't no time to unleash the doves! 
Naruto/Sakura: Righ..right! 
[Naruto charges a Planetary Rasengan, Sakura get's ready for a huge punch, and Guy summons his turtle. The trio all go in to attack Obito] 
Obito: (I wonder...) 
[The trio all miss and are thrown back. Obito activated his Susano'o!] 
Obito: I guess I'm just too strong... 
[He swings his sword killing some more Allied shinobi and bisecting Hiruzen] 
Hiruzen: Hhh! [His body starts to reattach] 
Naruto: I'll protect you Sakura.... [He starts to form another Rasengan] 
Obito: Really, that again?! [His Susano'o sword collides with Naruto's Rasengan and the Jinchuriki is knocked back] 
Obito: Now your end! 
[Obito's attack is stopped when his Susano'o is hit...by an arrow from Sasuke's Susano'o. Sasuke's Susano'o evolves into it's final stage and it's sword clashes with Obito's Susano'o's sword] 
Obito: Ahh, Sasuke hahahahaha, I actually almost forgot about you. But you're betrayal will no longer go unpunished. Answer this- before I kill you, should I rip off your arms and legs at the joints, or gorge out your eyes? 
Obito and Sasuke's paths collide! It's a battle of the Uchiha! 

Naruto 636-637 Predictions

Naruto Chapter 636: I'm Sorry


 *Kakashi and Obito are both grabbing each other while piercing through*
*Kakashi coughs out blood*

*Obito pulls out his Shuriken and Kakashi falls down to the ground and Obito remembers Rin falling to the ground after being pierced by Chidori*

Obito: I told you that trash like you couldn't beat me. If it was so easy I would've been dead 16 years ago. Now you shall die here where no one will ever visit your grave.

*Obito begins walking over to Kakashi as the hole in his chest starts closing up*

Kakashi *Thinking to himself while looking at Obito through blurred vision*" I couldn't protect sensei, I couldn't protect my comrades, I couldn't keep my promise to Obito or Naruto. I couldn't save my friend or my student from the darkness. Who would want to visit my grave? I let everyone down...I'm sorry everyone.."*vision blacks out*

*Back at the battlefield*

Sai: I know your smile is false better than anyone. What you say is not what you believe.

Sakura:...maybe you are right. But this can wait till this war ends.

Shikamaru: Not it cannot.

Sakura, Sai:!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shikamaru:But before we do anything we must confirm what his real intentions are.

Naruto: Stop it Sasuke. Your method won't work. Listen to me. We have to save the other bijuu. That is the only way the Juubi can be defeated.

Sasuke: The bijuu are the problem. They must be exterminated for this world to prevent history repeating itself. I will not let this twisted shinobi system rule over us anymore. Have you forgotten Naruto? How you were treated by the village because of the bijuu inside you? Weren't you just a weapon for Konoha to use against other villages?

Minato & Sarutobi: ...............

Sasuke: This system brings nothing but misery! I will burn it down along with the Juubi. Amaterasu!!!!!!!!

*The Juubi catches fire once again*

Hashirama: !!...This isn't good. I misjudged his intentions

Madara: Hmm! Looks like you underestimated the Uchiha's hate. Naive as always Hashirama. And looks like things are about to get worse for you!

*Vortex appears on the battle field and Obito comes out*

Naruto Chapter 637: Master and Student


Minato: That jutsu, it's the same as that masked man. That face...it looks like..but it can't be...(Minato makes a clone and goes towards Obito)

Obito: *Surveys the battlefield and grabs the Juubi. It becomes intangible and the Amaterasu Flames go through* Looks like things are not going smoothly here. Even Sasuke seems to have betrayed me. But soon everything will be-


Obito: I warned you what would happen if you continued to oppose me. But don't worry Naruto, I put him out of his suffering. He's dead.
Naruto: I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!

*Feels a hand on his shoulder. Looks up to see Minato standing beside him*

Minato: Calm down Naruto. Your power is needed to fight the Juubi. I will take this guy. It is my responsibility.

Naruto: But Kakashi Sensei!

Minato: I know how you feel Naruto. I will save him. Trust me.

Naruto: ...Okay Dad! But be careful. He can use a jutsu to send his body parts to the other dimension. And ninjutsu doesn't work on him either.

*Minato warps close to Obito*

Obito: If you are looking for an apology or an explanation, you will be disappointed. You are not my Sensei. My sensei died a long time ago. You are just one of the imposters.

Minato: So it really is you Obito..I couldn't believe that the Obito i knew could do something like this...

Obito: Don't bother. Kakashi already tried to invoke feeling in me. And now he lays dying.

Minato: I see. So that's how it is, my student.

*Throws Kunai at Obito*

Obito: These old tricks won't work on me again, Shinra Tensei!

*Kunai is repelled. Minato Flashes to the kunai and sends it back at Obito*

Obito: Shit, I have to wait five seconds. But if I use kamui on it He may be able to transport to the other dimension.

*Dodges the kunai. Minato flashes to it and throws the kunai at him again but Obito dodges again*

Minato: Rasengan! 

Obito: Hiraishin Level 2. Too predictable.

*Uses Rinnegan to absorb it*

Obito: Blast Wave Fire Dance!

Minato: Space Time Barrier!

*The Flames are absorbed and pop back behind Obito at the kunai he just dodged*

Obito: Good. But not enough. Rinnegan Absorption Technique!

*The flames get absorbed but suddenly Minato comes out of the space time barrier*

Obito: Shit! Shinra Tensei!

*Minato grabs him by the throat as he is pushed away and brings down a kunai to cut off his neck*

Obito: Shit he grabbed me! Shinra Tensei won't be enough.

*The Kunai comes down but begins to slip through Obito *

*Minato Dissappears*

Obito: Huh!? *Touches the back of his neck* Dammit! He must have tagged me when I absorbed his Rasengan! He wanted me to use kamui on a body part with his teleportation seal so he could teleport to the other dimension!

*In the other dimension, Kakashi opens his other eye and sees a silhouette standing over him*

Kakashi: Am I dead?

???: Long Time, huh, Kakashi.