Naruto: Let's go, Sasuke!
Sasuke: Hn..!
[i]Madara:[i] That child attaining a Susanno'o of this level? Unheard of.
Naruto: I will attack Obito. Sasuke, focus on those huge branches!
Sasuke: .... *focused look*
Obito:Naruto.. Why do you struggle for this useless reality.. You saw with your own eyes earlier the death of your friends... Your comrades! Why do you still fight knowing that they WILL die one after the other?!
Kurama: Naruto... switch for a moment
Naruto stops abruptly and switches with Kurama
Kurama: Hey.. Obito brat.. I don't know what happened to you and that Kakashi... But a useless war over the ideal that this reality is useless is just plain cajolery.
Obito: What do you, a bijuu, know about war and reality?! You're the example of a mere tool that was used during war! Naruto... don't you remember? That Nine-Tails was the exact same thing that killed your parents and nearly killed YOU!
Naruto: First of all, Kurama is not a tool, he is a member of the village hidden in the leaves. I remember an old saying from Pervy Sage:"Everything happens for a reason."
Obito: Exactly. Me pursuing a world where everything is perfect. No peace. No wars, a perfect world. If you believe that everything happens for a reason, stop resisting and be pulled into my Genjutsu.
Naruto: Obito... after all these years of living, you still don't understand it. Sasuke... forgive me for saying this, but this applies to you too if you're gonna be Hokage. "It's not that if you become Hokage you'll be acknowledged, it's those that are acknowledged that be Hokage."
Obito: ...
Hashirama and the rest of kages smile
Naruto: I am the child of prophecy, what the Sage of the Six Paths couldn't finish, he entrusted that job to the chosen one, the child of prophecy, ME!
Naruto dashes towards Obito
Sasuke is seen cutting through alot of branches
Sasuke: Let's see if I can make it bigger.
Sasuke's Susanno'o gets legs but is half the size of Perfect Susanno'o.
Hashirama: That's...!
Suigetsu: Ooooh, that's kinda big! Is he planning to mow that big tree down with one slash of his Kagetsuchi sword?!
Karin: Ooooh Sasukeeeee, you ravish me with your awesomeeeeee power !! 
Orochimaru: Hn..!! I'd expect nothing less from the great Mangekyou Sharingan!
Sasuke: Let's go...
Sasuke cuts a really big branch with his sword and sends it flying
Sasuke: With Naruto's chakra, I can enhance the strength of Susanno's attacks... If that's the case, I can try this!
Sasuke: Shadow Clone Jutsu!
Naruto: Hmm? Sasuke can use Shadow Clones too?! He just keeps showing off >_>. I won't lose to him! Bijuu-Dama!
50 susanno'o appear and slashes through branches
Obito: I must do something about those things... They're damaging the Shinju.
Obito launches black rods at all Susanno'o and launched a slightly bigger rod at the original.
Naruto: Sasuke!! Watch out!
Sasuke: !!
Naruto: This is bad...!!
All the black rods suddenly disappear
??: Things have changed quite a bit.... Naruto-niichan!
Naruto: You're...!!
Konohamaru: Sarutobi Konohamaru, reporting for duty!
An army of Genin from all 5 Great Nations gather
Naruto: ?? How did you..?
Konohamaru: A few hours earlier we saw a huge explosion in 9 o'clock direction, it was pretty huge. Then we decided to go into war, gathered all the Genin of the 5 Great Nations and headed towards the battlefield! We couldn't have taken everyone, we took the ones with skill and determination to die on the front lines as shinobi!
Hiruzen jumps towards them
Hiruzen: What are you doing here?! Don't you know that you being here means that your lives are on the line?!
Moegi: We know, Old man. But in the village a dying shinobi approached us, and told us that this war wasn't to protect Naruto and Bee-dono anymore, it was to save all humanity! Look, we even gathered the missing nin and ANBU Black Ops and Assassination units of every respective village!
Naruto: Hey, Konohamaru. Since both Teacher and Student are on the battlefield, how about we showcase our ability as a team?
Konohamaru: Yeah!
Hiruzen: I cannot allow this! You are not doing any-
Naruto: Old man... his dream is to become Hokage. If he can't handle this, he won't be able to defeat me when we fight over the title 'Hokage'.
Naruto placed his hand on Konohamaru's chest
Kyuubi cloak forms around Konohamaru
Naruto: Let's go, Konohamaru!

Naruto 648: END