
Welcome to Crunchy Manga's Blog! The goal of this blog is to provide up to date Naruto Manga information for Naruto fans.Asides this we will give u Bleach manga,One piece manga,Fairy Tail manga spoilers and a vast Variety of Manga information. Unlike many Naruto manga,Bleach manga,One piece manga blogs,Crunchy Manga will not be providing you with manga scans. However, I hope to provide summaries and information on all the manga updates and provide you with great and wonderful community experience. This blog will feature news and reviews of various Japanese media. While mostly I will be reviewing Anime series and Manga, occasionally I will also be posting news articles about various things such as Anime and Manga.

Monday 29 July 2013

Facts About Naruto

If the ten tails is the combination of all the juubi, then the kyuubi is the combination of all the bijuu with less tails. 
that makes the power of 8 bijuu and since Obito doesn't have the full power of all the bijuus he also has the power of about 8 tailed beasts and shit. 
Even though he's visually stronger and what not. 
I think it's safe to assume once Minato gives Naruto all of the chakra, then Naruto is going to have power equal to Obito's. 

Nauto Chapter 640 Summary

With Minato unable to teleport to Naruto and Sasuke's aid because the mark that was previously on Obito had seemingly vanished, things looked dire for the two. Naruto, however, remembering his father's explanation of how his technique works, uses chakra arms to grab onto both Sasuke, and his father allowing Minato to teleport them to safety. Thoroughly impressed by his son's action, Minato and his group turn their attention back to Obito in time to see the new jinchūriki losing control of the beast once again as his body begins to become distorted. As Obito launches a compressed version of the mysterious substance, Minato prepares to deflect the projectile, but to everyone's shock, the attack stops short of them, expands and then contracts before returning to Obito. Thinking that the attack was meant for Minato's shadow clone, they soon realise that Obito was struggling to maintain control and the previous attack was an attempt to destroy the out-of-control portion of his body. Intent on launching his counter-attack, Minato instructs Sasuke and Naruto to follow up with a collaborative attack right after. During this time, Obito — who is only able to utter Rin's name at this point — struggles to maintain his consciousness and with it, the control of the beast. As Minato, remembering the young man he had trained years before, rushes to aid him, in Obito's subconscious, Obito focuses on an image of his old team as the Ten-tails attempts to rip his consciousness apart, Obito is ultimately able to seize control of the beast, emerging in a form even more reminiscent of the Sage of the Six Paths' silhouette inclusive of a shakujō. In full control, Obito attacks Minato, tearing his arm off, forcing the Fourth Hokage to teleport a safe distance away. However, their safety is proven to be nothing but a ruse as Sasuke and Naruto noticed that Obito had attached some of the mysterious substance to Minato's reconstructing body. In shock, all those around them look on as the ball began to glow, preparing to expand as it had done before.

Saturday 27 July 2013

Naruto 641 Predictions : United

(Chapter opens at the Bijuu Dama about to explode next to Minato and co )
Naruto :* I can't escape and let Gamakichi and Sasuke die , what to do ? *
Sasuke ( Serious face ) * I refuse to die here , Ni-san i won't fail you no matter what !* ( his EMS glows and start to rapidly form a Susanoo hand ) 
Minato :* I need to teleport away from those two , what's this ? * ( Take not of Sasuke's Susanoo hand )
Juubito : Huh ? 
Note : Each character is thinking at the same time
( A huge explosion occurs )
Sakura : Sasuke-Kun !! ( Worried face )
Hinata : Naruto-Kun !! ( Worried face ) 
Tobirama and Hiruzen : ......
( Tobirama and Hiruzen are shown rushing toward Minato and others )
( The dust clears and the trio looks surrounded by a Shield ) 
Naruto : Huh ? 
Minato : This thing can't be ! 
Sasuke : * This shield is different than usual , what happened to it ? *
Obito : Don't act dumb Sasuke , its your brother's shield , the Yata Mirror ! 
Sasuke ( shocked ) : So this is my brother's... *even dead you continue to protect me , thanks Ni-san ,i'll definitely win this*
Minato : *That Itachi kid is really something ,I knew he has a tremendous potential since the first day i saw him but to think he would gain such mythical weapon... *
( Tobirama and Hiruzen lands next to the trio )
Tobirama : So this is the legendary Yata mirror...
Hiruzen : Even dead , he continue to protect you , you have a great brother Sasuke.
( Sasuke smiles ) 
Obito : Hmph , i guess you will live to see my new world , now to my Infinite Tsukuyomi !
( Obito start to levitate )
Tobirama/ Hiruzen : We won't let you !! 
( They rushed at him but they got sent flying by Shinra Tensei )
Minato : Why are you doing this , what the hell happened to you Obito !!
Obito : I won't waste my time explaining my motive to a failure like you , now witness my new world !! 
Naruto : I won't let you !!
( Naruto charge at Obito in BM )
Minato : Naruto stop !l
Sasuke : Tsch , always as reckless.
( Scene moves to Hashirama and Madara ) 
Hashirama : Judging by what you tried to do to him earlier , he's definitely a threat to you too now , so what are you gonna do Madara ? 
Madara ( looking at Obito ) : * Tsch , i never thought that this kid will control the Juubi so fast , my only chance now is to side with Hashirama and use him and the others as distraction for my trump card * Fine , let's beat him.
Hashirama ( smiles ) : Glad you came back my friend,now let's go.
( Scene Cuts back to Naruto ) 
Obito : It's a shame that you won't see my new world in a good condition. 
( Obito make a 4 element sword and aim at Naruto's legs )
Naruto :* Shit i can't maneuver mid-air ! * 
Minato : Obito stop !!
( Suddenly Naruto get pulled back by Madara's Bansho Tennin next to Minato and co )
Naruto( shocked ) : What the ... 
( Madara and Hashirama lands in front of the trio )
Madara/ Hashirama : You have to get pass us before !

Naruto 641 Predictions: Ultimate Power

Naruto, Sasuke, and Minato are in danger from the newly powered up Obito! Is this it for the powerful trio?!

Minato: This isn't good!

Naruto: Uh-oh! That's a ---

Sasuke: [Aggravated] Shit. He managed to stick it to him.

As the Bijuu Bomb begins to glow and pulsate, a blinding flash begins to emanate from the white sphere. Sasuke's eyes narrow and his Mangekyo Sharingan suddenly seems to spiral like a kaleidoscope! As it does, a ghostly wave of chakra envelops the surrounding area, originating from Sasuke's body. Time slows to a crawl and two Susano'o hands grasp onto Naruto and his father as Sasuke makes a hasty get away from the delayed time bomb. 


A massive explosion nearly levels the area. Out of the smoke appears Sasuke and Co. who are safely protected by a bulkier Susano'o. The look on Sasuke's face is somewhat irritated but the expression Naruto and Minato have is close to amazement. Obito surveys the situation calmly, floating above ground like some type of god as he drinks in the situation.

Obito: I see... Sasuke, you used a new Jutsu, huh? It originates from Itachi's Tsukiyomi but whereas he used an alternate world to command time, you brought that into here.

Sasuke: [Glare]

Obito: It seems like Itachi's powers are mingling well with your own. You also used Amaterasu around your Susano'o to counteract the heat my attack created, perfectly creating an equilibrium to negate the outcome meaning the explosion. Truly, a gifted young man.

Sasuke: Don't mock me. There's still plenty of more I haven't shown. 

Obito: On the contrary, that goes for me as well.

Naruto: Woah! Sasuke managed to slow down time in order to evade that blast? He's really something else. If he wasn't here, I'd be dead...

Minato: This boy continues to amaze me. What exceptional chakra control and he maintains a calmness I've never witnessed before. Thank you, Sasuke.

Sasuke: Hmph. [Sits the two down] [Susano'o evaporates] 

U]Scene Switch[/U]

Madara: [Watching closely] Not good, he's managed to overcome the Juubi's influence. Now he has full control over himself.

Hashirama: [Confused] What does that mean? 

Madara: [Grimaces] Soon, he'll enact the Mugen Tsukiyomi, causing this reality to perish.

Hashirama: [Shocked] Oh, no. We have to stop him! 

Madara: Sadly, Hashirama's right. If I don't act now, I'll be victim to that stupid dream of his. Hashirama, I'll put our fight on hold. Right now, I must stop Obito.

Hashirama: What?! [Hit by Shinra Tensei] 

Madara: [Begins sprinting towards Obito] [Freezes as something happens] Wha --- my body!!! 

Mysterious Voice: Kukukukuku. Not so fast Madara-kun.

Madara: [On the ground twitching]

Scene Switch

Naruto: [Staring at Obito]

Kurama: This is --- the Old Man! Naruto... this is bad. If that's really the Sage of Six Paths, there's no way we win this fight.

Naruto: [Inside himself] Shuddap! We have to win! Have you gathered enough chakra?

Kurama: Yes, but it won't do any good. Against an opponent like him?! We're doomed.

Naruto: Wha! So what do we do?

Kurama: I dunno. Let me think... !!! Naruto!

Naruto: ... Yeah?!

Kurama: Switch with me right quick!

Naruto: ?! [Switch] Minato.

Minato: Huh? Kyuubi, is that you?

Kurama: I need you to give me the other half of my chakra!

Minato: Huh?! I see... will that power you up?

Kurama: At the most, it'll return me to my original strength. But it's worth the try! 

Minato: Right! Sasuke-kun!

Sasuke: [Scowling] I'll handle him.

Minato: Thanks! And good luck! Let's go Kurama! 

Minato and Naruto jump away leaving Sasuke and Obito alone. They land near Sakura and the rest of the Allied Shinobi Alliance.

Sakura: Fourth Hokage! Naruto! What are you doing back here? 

Minato: We need protection. I'm going to give the Nine-Tails back it's original chakra. Can you handle that! 

Sakura: Ye --- 

Hinata: Of course!

Sakura: !? 

Scene Switch

Sasuke: So, you're not Madara, huh? I always knew there was something off about you. And as Itachi told me everything in our latest meeting, you're the one to blame for the Uchiha clan's isolation!

Obito: Hmm... that seems so futile right now, doesn't Sasuke? Who cares what happened to the clan? All I want to do is end this morbid reality. 

Sasuke: [Shadow over his eyes] Don't worry, I'll end it for you. Right here... and right now!!!

Sasuke crouches low and his eyes widen triggering a huge Susano'o to spring forth from the confines of his body. It comes equipped with four arms; one holds a sword, another a shield, a bow-and-arrow, and finally, a fiery orb! 

Obito: Those are the sacred weapons. I see, Itachi also gave you those too, huh?

Sasuke: Come, Obito. I'll show you the true power of our wretched clan!!!

Thursday 18 July 2013

Naruto 640 spoilers [Predictions & Discussions]

Naruto 639 "Attack" Summary: 

As the others in the immediate area look on in shock, Tobirama calls out to Sarutobi and Minato to jump. Recognising the protocol, the soon turn to see that Obito has been plastered with explosive tags. Calling out to Hashirama who binds Obito with his Wood Release, Tobirama sets off the explosions leading Minato to comment on Tobirama's swift action. Noting that as the creator of the Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation technique, he also created the would-be suicidal fighting style that surrounded the use of the technique, Tobirama launches his Intersecting Explosive Tags technique causing a continuous explosion around Obito. When the smoke cleared, however, it is revealed that Obito is unharmed due to the resilient substance surrounding him. Theorising what exactly the substance was, Hiruzen attacks Obito with the Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique summoning a giant shuriken to do so. However, the substance proves once again too versatile for these attacks and eradicates these weapons.

This leads Hiruzen to like it to Ōnoki's Dust Release and surmises that the substance was made from at least four nature transformations. As Naruto worries about protecting the Hokage, Sasuke notes that they were using their immortal bodies to gain a sense of Obito's abilities so they could find a way to defeat him which led Sasuke to tell Naruto to stop worrying about them. Minato, while noting Sasuke's intelligence, notes that their bodies took a while to reconstruct so he would have to create an opening for them. Elsewhere, the real Hashirama decides to head to the fore as well, but is stopped by Madara who stated he was done waiting around for his Senju rival. Taking his chance when it appeared that Obito had still not gotten used to being the beast's jinchūriki, Minato teleports his clone to his side and prepares to use the Spiral Flash Ring Dance Howl technique with the clone.

However, Obito makes a play to attack Naruto but is blocked by Sasuke's Susanoo. Even with his torso halfway across the battlefield, Obito is able to take Minato by surprise and send him reeling. As Sasuke attempts to attack Obito, however, he takes both him and Naruto by surprise, breaking through Susanoo's defence and attacking the two. As Minato prepares to teleport again, he anxiously hopes he makes it in time.


The chapter was Juubi-Obito being super powerful and beating on the good guys a bit, but I'm sure the good guys will respond soon. Juubi-Obito should probably go after Naruto and Bee to absorb Karuma and Hachibi, but not having Hachibi and Karuma hasn't hindered the Juubi's power as of yet. Madara has joined the fray again, but we are not sure what he is up to since he probably don't want Obito taking all the glory and power. And we are also waiting on Orochimaru and the other Kages. For now though, let see if Naruto and Sasuke can get out of trouble on their own and if Minato can help them out.

If you would like to discuss the Spoilers or predictions, please leave a comment below. Your Feedback is Greatly Appreciated, but NO SPAM here is more expecting and also for our benefits. Thanks for your support.

Naruto 640 Spoiler Trivia: The Sage shares the same nickname with both the First and Third Hokage, who were all known as the God of Shinobi (忍の神, Shinobi no Kami).

Naruto 640 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!

One Piece 716 spoilers [Predictions & Discussions]

Gatz announces with surprise that Hajrudin has been defeated, calling him one of the favored to win, speaking for everyone when he calls it unexpected. The crowd loves it and starts cheering for Lucy. Meanwhile, Luffy is helping Fighting Bull to safety, saying he is taking the cow to the corner. Cavendish is unimpressed by Luffy's power, while Bartolomeo seems to enjoy it. Rebecca is completely shocked by the power displayed by Lucy. Ideo walks over the unconscious Hajrudin, telling him that the ring is no place for a nap and delivers an explosive punch sending Hajrudin huge body into the audience stands scaring away some of the spectators before falling into the water. Gatz was again surprised to see the blasting force of Ideo's punches, referring to him by his epithet "Destroyer Cannon". Ideo then declares he will get stronger by eating the Mera Mera no Mi as he blasts away more fighters. 

One Piece 715 Summary:

Gatz then turns the crowd's attention to the three fighters from Flower Country, referring to them as famous kenpo users. Sai is then seen shattering someone's helmet and knocking him out. Sai is then introduced as the thirteenth leader of the Happo Navy. Gatz refers to the navy's power, having centuries of experience. Boo is then seen knocking someone out and is introduced as the vice leader of the navy. Chinjao was then introduced as the retired twelfth leader of the Happo Navy. Though several fighters tried to gang up on Chinjao, he then presses his hands together and knocks out several fighters with Haoshoku Haki, stunning the crowd. Other fighters recall his bounty and legendary status as a pirate and Chinjao warns them that he is only after one person so they should stay out of his way. Immediately in front of Chinjao, Jean Ango is seen collecting the weapons of defeated fighters and thanking Chinjao for supplying them. He is then introduced as bounty hunter "Jean the Robber". Gatz recalls that Ango is a bounty hunter hated by many pirates in the New World. A fighter charges at him, saying he cannot forgive Ango for sending his partner to jail. Ango however tells him that the weapons he collects are his bullets, and that he's a sniper. He then throws a sword clean through the man attacking him, telling him to attack the prison if he cares so much about his partner, saying someone already did two years ago.

Elsewhere, Kelly Funk is mercilessly beating a fighter who is already well past unconsciousness. The crowd does not like this overkill, and yell at him to stop. Bobby tells his brother to stop, trying to grab him but accidentally grabbing the victim. The brothers are then introduced as killers from the Mogaro Kingdom. Kelly tells his brother the guy he beat up called him a little midget, and asks Bobby for his opinion. Bobby assures him he is not but Kelly once again starts beating the unfortunate fighter, and Bobby also grabs the wrong person in an attempt to stop his brother again. Kelly finishes his brutal beat down by threatening to gouge the man's eyes out. Gatz mentions that the brothers are notorious in the underworld, adding that the rumor about them is that they were able handle pirates with bounties exceeding Beli100 million. Boo comes up on them, curious to see how a boxer with no formal training fairs against him and immediately sends Kelly Funk flying with a quick jab to the chin. The crowd is stunned by how easily Kelly was sent flying. Gatz once again lets his personal opinion in in his commentary, saying that Boo is too strong, and one of the women in the booth with him has to keep him from saying more. Boo then turns his sights on Bobby Funk, who claimed he had never been in a fight, showing his back as Boo swings an axe down on him. Much to his surprise, his axe broke. Even more surprising was that he had used Busoshoku Haki in that last attack, and wonders how strong Bobby's body is. Bobby gets his brother up by saying that Boo called him a midget. Suddenly, what appears to be a larger, enraged Kelly with Bobby's hat and hair turns the tables on Boo, to Sai's consternation, by hitting him with a barrage of punches that knocks him unconscious and continues to pummel him on the ground. Gatz cannot tell which brother is actually attacking, but guesses it is Kelly, saying he suddenly got huge.

Somewhere else, Jean Ango has stolen Luffy's helmet. Worried that his cover is blown, Luffy was forced to use his cape to hide his face and hat. Ango mentions that he heard something interesting about Lucy, and mentioned the rumor that Monkey D. Luffy had snuck into the tournament. Luffy looks to his right and sees Chinjao knocking down fighters to get to him. Gatz announces that about forty people remain in the block, saying it is still anyone's game.


The strong contenders in Block C start separating themselves from the pack. From the look of things, it seems like Don Chinjao and the Funk Bros are the biggest threats to Luffy, but I think Luffy is strong enough to beat them and win the block. Luffy will probably stay for the duration of the competition unless something really big happens on the outside, but the question is if everyone will find out about his identity. More and more people have figured out that "Lucy" is Luffy.

One Piece 716  spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!

Bleach 547 spoilers [Predictions & Discussions]

Bleach 546 "The Last 9 Days" Summary

Kyoraku tells Tatsuki, Keigo and Mizuiro that there is an itsy bitsy chance that Ichigo might become so powerful that he will not be allowed to return to the human world. In case that happens, Kyoraku gives Tatsuki and friends each a soul ticket so they can visit Ichigo in soul society.

Meanwhile in Hollow Land, Orihime and Chad are still preparing to do something. 

In Soul Society, suddenly the Quincy city materializes in place of the Seiretei. Bach declares the invasion a success, and tells Uryu and Haschwalt that the end of the world is nine days away.


So Kyoraku's "ominous" warning doesn't turn out to be so ominous at all. In the off chance Ichigo becomes too powerful for the human world, Ichigo's friends and family can still visit them. Kyoraku is more cunning than his normal laid back manner suggests, but he is not that cold. Not sure why Kyoraku himself had to come give the tickets, but maybe he's just being genuine.

Despite the fact that the shinigamis have been shown preparing and the Vandenreich has been focused on Uryuu being the successor, the Vandenreich pretty much just teleports their home city right into Soul Society on top of the Seiretei. Bleach is off for five weeks so that Kubo can prepare for the final war story arc. The series is moving towards the end, but I'm sure there are still quite a few chapters left so that the Vandenreich and probably a portion of the shinigamis can be killed off. Let's see if Bleach can pull everything together into something special.

Bleach 547 Trivia: Kyōraku’s Zanpakutō and Jūshirō Ukitake’s Zanpakutō have the longest release commands as of yet. Word-for-word, Ukitake’s is the longer of the two, although the translation in the English manga drastically shortens it and lengthens Kyōraku’s.

If you would like to discuss the Spoilers or predictions, please leave a comment below. Your Feedback is Greatly Appreciated, but NO SPAM here is more expecting and also for our benefits. Thanks for your support.

Bleach 547 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!

Naruto 640 Prediction: Business Settled

{Obito jab hold Naruto and Sasuke,and about to make their head blow in the same the manner of third hokage}

Naruto and Sasuke :

Obito :Perish......(shock)!!!

[Both Naruto and Sasuke slip through Obito's hand right through him,shocking Minato as well.Scene shows,Kakashi's hand right behind them on their back with a kakashi slowly becoming visible]

Kakashi(looking at the eyes of both Naruto and Sasuke,then Minato) :
I see....First settle your bussiness.

[Kakashi instantly warps both Naruto and Sasuke into Kamui,shocking Minato,Tobirama and Hiruzen(who are regenerated)]

{Kakashi quickly becoming intangible turning behind with a Kunai in hand seeing Obito comming for his face,with Obito's and Kakashi's hands going through each other and then the whole body}

Kakashi(walking 1-2 steps then falling on his knees holding his stomach where Obito made impact from Chakra rod) :
Shit!,damn these would and my body.I have definetely overused my sharingan.Can't move at all.Heh..guess it's the end finally.....

{As Kakashi falls on his knees,Obito quickly turned with his arm aiming for Kakashi's head from back,when suddenly Kakashi vanished in a flash right to the the Allaince where Sakura is,with Minato holding his soulder and Tobirama appears behind them with Hiruzen shocking the allaince}

Tobirama :
What?Who is he?Another Uchiha?No....his chakra is that of Hatake clan...then how in the world does he have a Sharingan,that too a Mangekyou.

Hiruzen :It's allright.He is Kakashi Hatake.He got his Sharingan as a gift.

Minato :You overdid it again Kakashi.

Sakura :Kakashi sensei,relax,I'll heal you....but Naruto and Sasuke where are they?

Kakashi :Forget about them for now"THEY'LL HAVE TO SETTLE SOMETHING FIRST,OTHERWISE IT WILL JUST BE A HINDRANCE".Sensei,how,well that's not important again.It's no use to make him saw his ways are wrong.He knows everything and doesn't blame any of us but this wretched System.He also doesn't have hatred for us either.

{Obito is standing in one in his place with the pose of his hand stretching,then slowly regaining his posture.Then shift his gaze towards the allaince,and then suddenly with a little shock towards Madara and Hashirama}

Madara :
Hmm..well guess he has noticed already.But it's too late for you now,"I'LL SETTLE IT HERE"....

Obito (Speeds blitz just above Madara) :Is that so,Old Man Shinigami?......

{Last page shows,
ABOVE PANEL - Hashirama a little confused and shocked,with Madara in shock holding a last Handsign and Obito smiling wickedly above Madara with black thingy made of 4 elements combination

BELOW PANEL - Naruto and Sasuke standing in their Base form against each other,in the Kamui world,jumping towards each other,with Kunai and Sword respectively}

[What will happen?.......]

Naruto 640 Prediction: YIN Chakra Release!

Sasuke: The one that will cut away the past.. IS ME..

(Juubito loses control at the sight of their eyes!! Suddenly, in a flash, Juubito grabs Naruto and Sasuke by the face)

Minato: Come on, make it in time..! (Thunder flying god technique!)

Naruto Manga 640: YIN!

Sasuke: ?!!

Naruto: !!

(Juubito holds their faces as he sees a blurred image of the Sage of Six Paths)


Minato: MAKE IT IN TIME..!! 

(We see Sasuke and Naruto grabbing on to Jubito's arms as they are lifted up off the ground. Jubito is preparing another nature transformation technique with his hands to attack just when..)

Killer Bee/ Raikage: DOUBLE LARIOT!!

(Killer Bee is shown using an 8 tails arm lariot, while the Raikage is using a lighting charged lariot. They are then shocked as Jubito remains unmoved and seemingly unharmed, but drops Naruto and Sasuke)

(Naruto and Sasuke land in utter shock)

Raikage: Get back, now!!

Killer Bee: Yo, don't gotta tell me twice, bro!

Naruto: Right!

Sasuke: Bastard..!

(Killer Bee and the Raikage jump back as Naruto and Sasuke jump in different directions avoiding Juubito.)

(Just as Juubito begins turning around..)

Minato: Just in time.. (Minato quickly throws his marked shuriken to form a circle around Juubito) 

Minato: Rasen Senkou Chourinbukou Sanshiki!!

(Minato and his clone are seen holding a Rasengan and begin teleporting between the 6 shuriken at a very fast pace. This makes an illusion that there are 6 Minatos, and then he begins his attack. He charges at Juubito with his Rasengan and teleports back into his rapid cycle of teleporting. This cycle leaves Juubito trapped inside this circle of a barrage. )

Minato: (Thinking) Incredible, my attacks are hardly affecting him..!

(Juubito is seen being hit by rasengan by all angles and becomes outraged!)

Juubito: UUOOOO!! (He spreads his arms and begins an attack)

(Minato quickly notices and retreats)

Onoki: Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique!

(Juubito is seen being contained in the prism Onoki released)

(Bee, Naruto and Sasuke retreat back with the Alliance just as a huge wave of sand drowns Juubito and pushing him away)

Gaara: Sand Release: Sand Tsunami!

(Gaara is seen using his Sand Tsunami Technique to move Juubito back as the Mizukage uses her Lava Technique to harden the sand)

Mizukage: Lava Technique: Eruption! ( a huge flow of lava covers the sand as it seems Juubito is covered in the combination)

Tsunade: Sorry we're late.Grandad!?

(Tsunade is seen arriving near Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke as she is in Sage mode as well)

Naruto: Granny Tsunade!

Sakura: Master! You're okay!

Tsunade: I'm glad I could trust you all to put up a fight against that monster.

Hashirama Clone: (In tears) How you've grown, Tsunade!! I'm the one who is sorry meeting you under such circumstances!

Tobirama Clone: How can you be so relaxed at a time like this?!

Tsunade: So that was.. the Juubi?

Hashirama Clone: (Focuses) ..Yes, you could say that. That man was successful in becoming the host for the Juubi.. His powers are beyond anything I've ever encountered. 

Naruto: (proud remarks to one up Sasuke) Yeah don't worry Granny, the hokages are Edo Tenseis so they cannot die. We are analyzing the way his powers eh Sasuke?

Sasuke: ...

(Tsunade gives Sasuke a look of doubt)

Tsunade: Alright what have we gathered so far?

Hashirama Clone: So far we've analyzed that he has incredible speed.. Faster than Tobirama and the Fourth.. as for powers I think we've only uncovered the surface.. He seem to have an incredible resistance to physical attacks as well has enough power to break through my Myou-Jinmon and formation of the Four Red Suns..

Tsunade: That's impossible.. 

Tobirama Clone: Although that may be true I believe we've also discovered a very important key in defeating him.

Tsunade: ?! What's that?

Tobirama Clone: It seems as though his body isn't quite conditioned to host the Juubi's power.. Our best chance is to exploit this weakness and try to extract beasts one by one.

Naruto: Is that even possible? How can we even hold him down long enough to even attempt that?

Minato: ! Naruto.. You may be the only one who is strong enough to face him.. 

Naruto: What do you mean Dad? I can't even compete against his speed let alone strength!

Minato: Not with only half of your power..

Naruto: ..?!

(Minato forms a seal as his Kyuubi Mode starts to fade)

Kurama: Naruto!! That's..!!

(Bright red chakra starts to flow out of Minato's body and Minato launches his hand into Naruto's stomach)

Naruto: AGH!

Minato: YIN RELEASE! (The Chakra starts flowing straight into Naruto as his eyes are widened with an overflow of power)

(Obito is shown under the sand with a crazy smile huge widened eyes !!)

Minato's gift, Kurama's Yin Chakra! 

Bleach Manga on 5 Week Break

News from the upcoming issue of Shonen Jump reveals Bleach manga will be on a 5 week break, from #35 (next week) to #40. And it will be back in #41 (2013.9.9). The author Kubo Tite is preparing for the final battle. After the break, 最终篇「千年血战篇 诀别谭」("Sennen Kessen-Hen - Ketsubetsu-tan.") begans. 

Translation of notes:

'Before the last battle I'll be taking a a little bit of an extended break

So I can put everything into drawing the final battle I'm going to take it easy for a bit.

After I return please look forward to the thousand year blood war arc!'


During this break we may have a little review, similar to the one before the start of thousand years blood war arc. (he was referring to the :reboot and repeat 1, 2 and 3)

Friday 12 July 2013

Naruto 639 Prediction:Ultimate Force

Page 1:

Naruto: "What... was that!" (Looking with a scared expression on his face)
Sasuke: "He destroyed the First Hokage and the Second Hokage with just one blow..." (With angry expression on his face)
Minato: "Calm down, Naruto, Sasuke! They're reanimated, they will regenerate soon,Obito, what have you done...?"

Page 2:

 "Uchiha... They're always causing trouble."

The real Hashirama lands near Hiruzen and regenerating Tobirama, as the one smashed by Obito was a Wood Clone.

 "Yeah, I was right. This man is much stronger than me, and his speed is incredible!"

Page 3:

Hinata: "I-Incredible... He destroyed the First Hokage's clone and the Second's reanimated body... with a single hit!"
Sakura: "What?! Naruto and Sasuke-kun! How are they?"
Hinata: "They're okay, he didn't attacked them yet..."
Sakura: "Thank Goodness, we should help them!"

Page 4:

Tsunade: "No, you shouldn't, you're no match for the Juubi's Jinchuriki!"

The Five Kage arrive on the battlefield alongside Orochimaru, Suigetsu and Karin.

Sakura: "Master!
Gaara: "How are Naruto and the others doing?"

Page 5:

Killer Bee lands near Ay and the other Kages, greeting them.

Killer Bee: "What's up bro?"
A: "Bee, you're alright! Say, what's going on here?"
Killer Bee: "See that big toad there? There are the former Hokages, Naruto, Sasuke and the Juubi's Jinchuriki!"

Page 6:

Orochimaru: "The Juubi's Jinchuriki, you say? Who"s that?"
Sakura: "This is one of Kakashi-sensei's former teammates... His name is Obito Uchiha!"

The current Kages and Orochimaru are both shown with shocked faces.

Page 7:

Tsunade: "Obito Uchiha... So that's the face behind that mask!"
Orochimaru: "I see... So this is Tobi's real identity."
Killer Bee: "Anyway, I'll go help these fools ya know, we have to break down this monster!"

Ay: "Right, but we"re also coming Bee!"

Page 8:

Obito is shown once again with a rape face, looking at Naruto, as Bee arrives on Gamakichi's back.

Killer Bee:
 "I won't let my student fight alone, we'll fight this guy as one!"
Naruto: "Uncle Bee! Don't underestimate him, he destroyed the Hokages with just one blow!"

Page 9:

Killer Bee: "Hmm!"
Sasuke: "Here he comes!"
Naruto: "Huh?!"
Minato: "Shit!"

Page 10:

Obito's spikes on the back make a shotgun-like weapon, which begins to collect Red and Blue chakra.

Obito: "Ughhhhhhh!"(Obito is in a unconscious state, he does"nt know what he doing. Further more it looks like the juubi is controlling obito and using his body thats why its become so powerfull.)  

Page 11:

Naruto: "This is bad! It looks like he's preparing to shoot Bijuu Dama at us!"
Minato: "We have to get out of here, fast!"

Suddenly, Susanoo swords cuts Obito's spikes and the Bijuu Dama charging stops, as Madara land before the Hokages, Naruto, Sasuke and Bee.

Page 12:

Hashirama: "What, Madara? Why are you helping us?"
Madara: "It was so boring to watch you from the sidelines, so I decided to join the fray. Obito is and obstacle for me and my plan now, so I must stop him. I won't be able to stop him alone though, but it seems like you won't be able to do it, also. Our only chance is to cooperate and unite our forces."

Page 13:

 "I don't like where this is heading..."
Hiruzen: "Madara, what makes you think we want to cooperate with you?"
Madara: "It's not like I'm willing to help you, but if we don't work together, Obito will destroy us alongside the 
world. Perhaps I should let you see how he kills the heirs of your Will of Fire?"

Page 14:

Hashirama: "It's okay, Tobirama, Sarutobi! I agree with you, but I don't think that there's any stronger reinforcements than Madara, so if he offers us his help, I accept his offer!"
Madara: "Heh, same old Hashirama I see. Let's go, we don't have much time."

Naruto, Sasuke, Minato and Bee jumps to Hashirama, Madara, Tobirama and Hiruzen.

Page 15:

Kurama: "Naruto, I'm done! You can enter Bijuu Mode anytime now!"
Naruto: "Perfect timing, let's do this!" 

Naruto is shown activating the Bijuu Mode, impressing Sasuke.

Page 16:

Sasuke: "What's with this new Chakra cloak?"
Killer Bee: "This is Naruto's Bijuu Mode, this means we're close to Bijuu Transformation. Let's go, Hattsan, weeeeeeeeeeee!"

Killer Bee transforms into Gyuki, standing behind the others.

Page 17:

Naruto: "Now it's our turn, Kurama!"

Naruto transforms into Kurama, standing to Gyuki and Bee.

Madara: "Hashirama, we have to use our strongest techniques, you know what to do."

Page 18:

 "Ready when you are... Senpou: Shinsuusenju!"
Madara: "What's your name, young Uchiha?"
Sasuke: "It's Sasuke Uchiha..."
Madara: "Very well then... Sasuke, you have big potential... do you know how to stabilize your susanoo?,Stabilize!" 

 According to Kishimoto,THE CLIMAX of the war
IS NEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!"