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Friday 12 July 2013

Naruto 639 Predictions:Madara's Trump Card

Page 1:

[ Madara stands and gazes at Obito.] " This has gone on long enough. It's time I get serious and end this. "

[ Hashirama glances up at Madara ] " !? "

Page 2:

[ Face shot of Madara ] " If I can't use rinne tensei on myself to be revived then I'll just use the outer path to kill you!!! "

[ Jubito glances at Madara with a cocked head ] " ? "

[ Naruto forms shadow clones and throws 4 huge rasenshuriken at Jubito ]

( Sasuke thinks to himself ) " That Juubi can dispell Amaterasu so it would be pointless. I have to destroy this before it destroys us and Itachi's vision. "

Page 3:

( Sasuke thinks ) " I have to conserve my chakra "

[ Jubito pushes away rasenshuriken with quite ease]

Page 4:

[ Jubito launches a huge fireball at the alliance. ]

[ Minato uses space time barrier ] " I have to teleport this away from the alliance. "

[ suddenly the fireball teleports into the sky above raining down embers and creating storm clouds. ]

[ Madara and Sasuke smirk ]

Page 5:

[ Madara makes hand seals/ Sasuke raises his hand ]

( Sasuke thinks ) " This is the opening I've been waiting for."

[ Jubito gets hit by a water dragon from tobirama. ]

[ Madara summons the king of hell/ Sasuke looks to the sky. ]

Page 6:

[ Madara/Sasuke ] " Time to die/ Time to strike you down. "

[ Naruto glances at Sasuke ] " Sasuke what are y...? "

[ 4 Kage, Sakura , Jugo, And K11 all stare in shock. ] " !!!!!!! "

Page 7:

[ Jubito looks up ]

[ the king of hell opens its mouth and out shoots a spirit dragon heading for Jubito. Kirin forms in the sky. ]

[ Madara/ Sasuke ] " DIE!!! Kirin! "

[ Jubito gets hit by Kirin and the outer path death technique. ]

[ a huge explosion ]

Page 8:

[ scene switches to Orochimaru and gokage ]

[ Oonoki looks shocked ] " what in the hell was that. "

[ orochimaru smirks. ] " Sasuke "

[ orochimaru licks lips. ]

Page 9:

[ Tsunade ] " we're getting close gets ready. "

[ Karin ] " that chakra is so menacing. "

[ Karin starts sweating ] " sasuke-kun "

[ A getting frustrating ] "I'm going ahead! "

[ Mei ] " A wait "
[ Gaara looks concerned ] " Naruto they haven't got you already have they? ]

Page 10:

[ scene changes back to jubito and Alliance ]

[ the smoke clears and nothing is there. ]

[ everybody stares in shock ]

[ Sasuke ] " damn what's it going to take!? "

Page 11:

[ Hiruzen ] " where did it go?

[ Tobirama ] " brother I sensed your chakra(In Naruto). Could it be? "

[ Hashirama ] " I sensed my DNA and chakra in that boy as well. "

[ minato ] " Obito if only I could've been there quicker. "

Page 12:

[ scene change to kakashi ]

[ kakashi ] " just a little more chakra please. " cough

[ kakashi uses kamui and his eye begins to bleed ]

[ kakashi falls on the battlefield ]

Page 13:

[ sakura ] " kakashi sensei "

[ sakura runs over to heal him ]

[ minato notices and warps over to him ] "Are you alright Kakashi? "

[ kakashi barely opens eyes ] " sensei "?.

Page 14:

[ scene change to madara ]

[ madara ] " Damm!t where did you go "

[ jubito come from underground behind madara ]

[ a hand goes through madaras chest ]

[ kamui envelops around madara ]

Page 15:

[ Obito behind madara ] " looks like your trump card is no match for my ace in the hole! "

[ madara is transported to kamui region ]

[ Obito stands with the moon behind him facing everybody ]

The end

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