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Saturday 14 September 2013

One Piece 722 spoilers [Predictions & Discussions]


As Rebecca lies on the ground she begins to cry, when Luffy questions her, she explains to him that her friend the one-legged soldier Luffy met outside the colosseum is going to die. This bewilders Luffy, who finds her worries to be weird, what is more he also finds the fact that the toy is alive in the first place to be even weirder. Rebecca tells him that he like other outsiders to Dressrosa cannot really understand, but that the toys are the same as people and that they do wonderful things such as making friends with the friendless, becoming brothers to people without brothers and being lovers to those without people to love. She then explains how she is confused about the rule that a toy cannot live with a human, as since her mother died who was her only family, she was raised by "Mr. Soldier" as if he was her father. Gatz then announces that the arena has been fixed and the other gladiators warn Rebecca that the D block battle royale is about to start, Rebecca then notices Luffy eating food off of the ground and he explains that during the chaos earlier he dropped his food. He also apologizes that she had to pay for his food and that it tastes delicious, as Gatz also mentions over the announcement system, that the D block battle is full of veterans and as Rebecca leaves to participate she tells Luffy that she will meet him in the final match.

As she is walking to the arena along with the other competitors, Rebecca recalls living with her mother when she was young, specifically a day where she helped her mother sell some flowers and afterwards shared a meal together. After that she also recalls how the king's palace was burned and how she had to run away with her mother (whose name is revealed to be Scarlett) from their home, because they were being chased by people including Diamante. Fortunately they are able to escape with the help of a unidentified short person who is able to hold off the attackers and days later Scarlett goes to look for food, while she leaves Rebecca alone. Later, when Rebecca sees movement close by, she assumes it is her mother coming back with food, unfortunately it is the Thunder Soldier (who was the short person who had helped them earlier) carrying Scarlett's corpse. He then apologizes to Rebecca for being unable to protect her mother and gives her some food, Rebecca however starts to cry, but is quickly quieted by the toy as a group of armed men pass by, apparently looking for Rebecca. Later the Thunder Soldier tells Rebecca that her mother was an important person and that as her daughter she is also an important person and that as an important person the new king wants to capture her. He then tells her that since he could not protect her mother, her will protect her, even at the cost of his life. Rebecca however does not care and only wants her mother and when the toy tries to cheer her up, she leaves for her house, much to the Thunder Soldier's displeasure as her house is currently occupied by the new king's men. Back at the village it is revealed that Donquixote Doflamingo is the new king and that he had usurped the throne from the Riku royal family which had been governing for ages. It is also revealed that in recent years the previous regime of Dressrosa was hated by the citizens for taking too much money from them and that Doflamingo promised to bring wealth back to the country. The Thunder Soldier then tries to take care of Rebecca who is at first resistant, but overtime comes to accept him. He then finds a place for Rebecca to live and tells her that though he cannot live with her, to prove he is always with her he will drop one petal every morning from the window. Over the years the two are very happy together with the toy taking care of her, feeding her and protecting her from boys, though one day Rebecca is kidnapped and in rescuing her, the Thunder Soldier becomes a wanted person. The two then find another place to live and Rebecca promises to one day live in the same house as him, the toy also begins to teach Rebecca how to fight and protect herself.

The flashback ends with Rebecca stepping into the ring, thinking about how he always protected her, Gatz then announces the arrival of Rebecca as people both people boo at her, Rebecca then hopes that the Thunder Soldier will not die and promises that she will not lose.
You have got to hand it to Oda sensei – his ingenuity is second to none when it comes to the craftsmanship of both characters and themes. I gladly confess – I think I might have just shot myself in the foot. It appears that Rebecca, the busty gladiator of Corrida Coliseum, does stand a very good chance of emerging as the next Straw Hat recruit! The warrior dwarf Leo is, of course, my first choice, but there’s no denying it – my impression of Rebecca has changed for the better big-time and she has surely made a very strong case for herself. For starters, she is a female character, a denomination that is well underrepresented – and I’m convinced none of us, not even a supporter of an alternative, would be opposed to having an extra pair of X-chromosomes on board! Rebecca’s backstory is, for certain, a profoundly interesting one. There are bits and pieces that point to a tragic childhood, famished and shrouded in dysphoria – and let us not forget, she also shares a rather intriguing history with the mysterious gladiator Ricky, and of course, there’s a tie-in with the Thunderous Soldier of Rage as well! It’s truly a tale of two cities, the glee and jubilance that define Dressrosa are nothing more than a sham – and concealed beneath its bustling façade, therein lies the rub, a wretched fate that continues to haunt its inhabitants until this day. Whether it’s the “convicted” gladiators or the “forgotten” toys, they’ve all had a very rough time. Rebecca’s tearful remarks were pretty heart-wrenching to say the least – it was somewhat akin to a plea for help, one that is reminiscent of Nami’s most memorable line, “Luffy, tasukete”! The next few chapters will probably shed some light on Rebecca’s past and I have a feeling it’s not going to be a pretty picture – a slew of tear-jerkers, commotions and heartbreaks that await us in the flashback!
Clearly, Rebecca has made her mark – but she’s not the only one who has left us with a strong impression this week. There was an unexpected about-face to the characterization of Bartolomeo and it seems to me the infamous Cannibal might need a new moniker to go with it – Bartolomeo the fanboy, that sounds just about perfect! Yes, you heard that right – as it turns out, Bartolomeo is Luffy’s biggest admirer, a fanatic which is by no means inferior to that of a stalker! Bartolomeo is surely a fascinating package of contrast – savage and brutal on one hand, but meek and a bundle of nerves on the other. I’m not quite sure what to make of this revelation just yet – he’s probably not an outright foe, but I’m hard pressed to call him a comrade as well. The circumstance which surrounds Bartolomeo is not nearly as clear-cut as that of Don Chinjao’s – who has evidently emerged as a very powerful ally for the Straw Hats! The “Drill” has, indeed, made a comeback, and the old man is flushed with joy and gratefulness – so much so that he has put the entire Happou Navy under Lucy’s command, just as a token of gratitude! Then there’s the Blackbeard Pirates who, in my humble opinion, remain one of the most fascinating element in the mix and where their ultimate loyalty lies is still to be determined. A larger conspiracy appears to be in play and it has brought a cluster of heavy-hitters into the big picture – Marshall D. Teach, Jesus Burgess, Shiryuu of the Rain and Aokiji, the former Marine Admiral, just to name a few! What this means for the overall narrative is hard to say – Oda sensei has introduced some pretty grand ideas and as far as I can tell, we have just merely scratched the surface. A new height for the series could be within reach, as the Pirate Alliance Saga slowly but surely marches toward an epic of extravaganzas!
Random tidbits:
  • Robin chwan will always be my number-one girl, but I gotta say – ditch the helmet and Rebecca actually looks pretty darn cute!
  • I wonder what Rebecca’s 3-measurements are – compare and contrast, Robin’s B100-W60-H90 and Nami’s B98-W58-H88!
  • She’s wearing her hair in some pretty nice braids – For those who are wondering, the busty gladiator is a pink-head!
  • “I’m not going to kill someone who has treated me to a meal” – A badass or just a plain baka? Luffy’s quite a cheap bribe, if I may say so.
  • “Wh-wh-wh-wh-what should I say to him” – Gotta love Bartolomeo the fanboy! He reminds me of myself and yes – I am a one of themand I have nothing to hide!
  • Caribou vs. Scotch – RIP Caribou, good luck with that and nice knowing you!
  • “Who lives under a rock, right under the sea?” – L002, a commenter from last week, was kind enough to point out the great resemblance between Don Chinjao and Patrick Star! An observation worthy of our laugh-out-louds – well done, my good Sir!

One Piece 721 Spoiler Trivia: Jesus Burgess name is the same as that of the real life pirate, Samuel Burgess. His birthday is on Christmas Day, a reference to his first name, “Jesus”.

If you would like to discuss the Spoilers or predictions, please leave a comment below. Your Feedback is Greatly Appreciated, but NO SPAM here is more expecting and also for our benefits. Thanks for your support.

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