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Saturday 14 September 2013

One Piece 721 spoilers [Predictions & Discussions]

One Piece 721 Spoiler Summaries
Credit: Aohige
Chapter 721: Rebecca and the toy soldier
Coverstory: Caribou enters Scotch’s mouth, making him swallow (and choke on?) part of his swamp-self
Rebecca cries the toy soldier will surely die.
She explains to Luffy that they are no different than humans, they become friends to friendless, brothers to brotherless, and lovers to the loveless.
Ever since she lost her only family, her mother, the soldier has been with her, he’s like a parent to her.
Luffy scoops up the food he dropped to eat, while Rebecca looks at him speechless.
He tells her she doesn’t look like a prisoner, and she tells him they’ll meet again at the championship finals.
The ring is repaired and the D block is starting, Rebecca leaves Luffy and heads for the ring…
Flashback starts
Rebecca lives with her mother, who gather flowers and sells them.
Meanwhile in Dressrosa, apparently the king has gone mad and set fire on a village.
The kingdom is set aflame (likely due to revolts from losing the trusts of the citizens)
Group of rebels attack Rebecca ad her mother, as a citizen cries out to Scarlet, the mother, to run.
The man leading the chase seems to be young Diamante.
Scarlet and Rebecca are on the run, but they are starved from not eating for two days in a row..
Scarlet goes back to the town to buy food for her daughter, but is killed in the process.
The toy soldier comes running back to Rebecca, carrying the corpse of her mother.
As Rebecca eats the food her mother brought her with her life, the soldier explains that there’s a new king in Dressrosa,
and they’re looking to capture anyone related to the old king, including her mother.
He vows to always be by her side, and to protect her even if costs him his life.
Rebecca rejects him, and runs away crying, blaming the soldier for not being able to protect Scarlet.
Meanwhile in Dressrosa, Doflamingo takes the throne, blaming the former king for turning on his people.
He promises the citizens of wealth.
As the toy soldier and Rebecca spends time together, she develops affections for him, and opens up to him.
He finds a home for Rebecca to stay in as he work for her living. He cannot enter the house, so he tells her he’ll leave a petal of flower through the window every morning to remind her he’s always near by.
Some days pass, and Rebecca gradually grows up.
The soldier acts as a guardian, fending off bullies from her as well as boys who wants to date her.
But one day, group of thieves enter the house thinking there’s only a little girl living there alone.
As the thugs tie up Rebecca, the toy soldier comes rushing in, shooting them with guns.
The soldier is now a wanted man, and Rebecca leaves the house with him.
As they travel together, the soldier teaches her how to fight. How to keep herself from any harm.
End of flashback
As block D starts and Rebecca enters the ring, the crowd boos at the sight of her.
Because she is a linage of the Riku Royal family, she is hated by the whole island.
They tell her to go die, and wishes to finally see her cut to pieces…
hearing this Luffy snaps and enrages at the crowd.
The prisoners explains him her royal linage and the reason why she’s hated…
End of chapter. Break next week, back in WSJ 44

One Piece 720 "Prisoner Gladiators" Summary: 

Gatz announces to the crowd that there are currently three contenders to fight against the Donquixote Family: the winner from Block A, "Champion" Jesus Burgess, the winner from Block B, "Cannibal" Bartolomeo and the winner from Block C, Lucy. He then informs the crowd only be one more person will participate in the finals, but that the Block D battle will be delayed 15 minutes for repairs to be done to the arena.

The news about the delay angers the crowd, as they are very anxious to watch the next battle royale, meanwhile Cavendish attacks Luffy outside of the arena, though Luffy is easily able to block his first strike. This catches the attention of Bartolomeo, who is annoyed at Cavendish for going after Luffy, though Bartolomeo stops along the way to torture a couple of bystanders for insulting Luffy for being unable to save Ace.

Bartolomeo uses his devil fruit to create a barrier to crush one of the bystanders, not caring that he is apparently a noble, Bartolomeo then tells him that Luffy is going to become the future pirate king, he also reveals that he was at Logue Town on the day that Buggy tried to execute Luffy and was amazed at the miracle that saved his life. He then goes on about how he followed news about Luffy and the Straw Hat pirates ever since and that after the events of Marineford he was inspired to sail the seas as a pirate.

Bartolomeo is then implied to have cut off the nobles tongue, while Luffy and Cavendish continue their fight, with Luffy questioning as to why they even need to fight. Onlookers plead with the two to stop, but they are unable to even get close to the brawl while Bartolomeo is to nervous to meet Luffy yet, the Chinjao Family arrives then and Sai announces that his grandfather would like to talk with Luffy. Luffy however is suspicious and believes that Chinjao wishes to continue their fight, though in reality he merely wished to express his gratitude, unfortunately Chinjao accidentally breaks the floor with a headbutt. This causes Luffy to run away, while being pursued by an angry Cavendsih, though Rebecca manages to take his hand and leads him away from the commotion. Along their way they come across Burgess who is in the middle of a conversation with his captain, which catches the attention of Luffy, who stops to hear what is going on. Burgess mentions during the conversation that he cannot trust Aokiji and then informs his captain that Luffy is with him, Blackbeard then begins to have a brief conversation with Luffy, telling him that Burgess will win the Mera Mera no Mi for him, but Luffy promises that he will not let that happen.

As Luffy leaves Rebecca questions him as to his relationship with the other pirate, to which he responds that he is something of an acquaintance and that he cant let him win, Luffy then stops to try and get some free samples, though the shop owner is a little suspicious that Luffy is not interested in buying anything, though Rebecca offers to pay for him. Rebecca then takes Luffy to the gladiator quarters and tells him that she is impressed with his strength, though Luffy is more impressed with his lunch and asks if she is hungry, though Rebecca tells him that she does not get hungry, which reminds Luffy of Kin'emon. Luffy is then captured by an unknown assailant who asks Rebeca to kill Luffy, though Luffy manages to free himself, dodge Rebecca's slash and then subdue her while still eating.

Rebecca then tells Luffy that she will accept any punishment Luffy gives her, though Luffy is unwilling to punish her since she bought him food. Luffy is then informed of the plight of the gladiators and how they are little better then prisoners under Doflamingo's regime, while Rebecca announces her desire to win the Mera Mera fruit and kill Doflamingo.


Lol, so Bartolomeo is actually huge Luffy fan. That's a pretty hilarious development. Bart idolizes Luffy so much that he can't even approach him, but unfortunately Luffy was rooting for Bellamy instead of Bart. It'll be interesting to see what Bart will do once he meets Luffy in the finals. Bart is a bit bloodthirsty, but he might be a helpful ally due to his abilities. In other developments, Chinjao became grateful to Luffy for restoring his pointy head just as expected, but Luffy probably won't be talking to him any time soon. Burgess and Blackbeard know that Luffy is in the tournament, but it doesn't look Burgess will try to sneak attack Luffy before the finals. Finally, we learned that Rebecca is a prison gladiator being held at the coliseum to fight until death. Here is one more group of people who have scores to settle with the Donquixote Family. Can't wait until the revolution starts.

What do you think about one piece 720? 

One Piece 721 Spoiler Trivia: In the manga, post-timeskip Luffy is capable of using Gear Second maintaining it in a single part of his body, while in the anime, he shows no such difference, requiring his entire body once more to turn red and emit steam like previously.

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